- Let's get this over with quickly so we can have a nice
[cdb]cup of tea!
- Ooh, yes please! And maybe some of your treats to go
[cdb]with it?
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Phew, all done! Nice work out there, Mercie!
- You were splendid yourself, Annie. I think we've
[cdb]earned ourselves a relaxing tea break.
- My, this is heavenly! You're quite the cook.
- I could scarf down some seconds, no problem.
Maybe even thirds!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Oh, this should be fun! Let's be sure not to hurt
[cdb]each other, Annie!
- Even a grueling training session is a good time when
[cdb]you're around, Mercie!