1. Pick a flower and hand it to them.
  2. Catch a bug and hand it to them.
  3. Say you don't sense anyone around.
  4. Confess you've lost your way.
  5. Give yourself first aid.
  6. Ask them for a piggyback ride.
  7. Ask if they like fish.
  8. Look for the toy's owner.
  9. Sing a song.
  10. Complain that you're hungry.
  11. Notice a rare bird.
  12. Pick up a scrap of paper.
  13. Gather mushrooms.
  14. Pick fruit.
  15. Suggest you hunt the animal.
  16. Admire the animal.
  17. Give them first aid.
  18. Offer to carry them home.
  19. Lend them your cloak.
  20. Ask if they want to head back.
  21. Suggest you go fishing.
  22. Suggest you play in the water.
  23. Say you don't know how to steer a boat.
  24. Worry about getting seasick.
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. <<<EMPTY>>>