1. Sympathize.
  2. Commend that.
  3. Be shocked.
  4. Dispute that.
  5. End things there.
  6. Nod.
  7. Offer encouragement.
  8. Be confounded.
  9. Be envious.
  10. Be relieved.
  11. Question that.
  12. Be impressed.
  13. Express worry.
  14. Feel abashed.
  15. Follow up with concern.
  16. Acknowledge it.
  17. Sulk.
  18. Get competitive over it.
  19. Agree.
  20. Smile in reply.
  21. Nod emphatically.
  22. Admit defeat.
  23. Extend a challenge.
  24. Be doubtful.
  25. Be pleased.
  26. Smile.
  27. State your thoughts.
  28. Look confused.
  29. Give a pep talk.
  30. Laugh.
  31. Gently reject that.
  32. Act dependable.
  33. Acquiesce.
  34. Let that sink in for a moment.
  35. Refuse to drop it.
  36. Listen politely.
  37. Remain silent.
  38. Blush.
  39. Ask for more details.
  40. Explain the risks.
  41. Express discontent.
  42. Be unsure.
  43. Refuse.
  44. Show appreciation.
  45. Be silent.
  46. Agree to that.
  47. Smile and nod.
  48. Express gratitude.
  49. Look away.
  50. Act encouraging.
  51. Shrug.
  52. Wince.
  53. Scold.
  54. Reach out and commiserate.
  55. Take pity.
  56. Speculate.
  57. Struggle to answer.
  58. Think about that.
  59. Make a sarcastic quip.
  60. Change the subject.
  61. Nod seriously.
  62. Ask why.
  63. Rise to the challenge.
  64. Be at a loss for words.
  65. Be suspicious.
  66. Get angry.
  67. Be disappointed.
  68. Be sad.
  69. Brush it off.
  70. Give a rueful smile.
  71. Applaud that.
  72. Promise your support.
  73. Vow to achieve victory.
  74. Be nervous.
  75. Tease.
  76. Console.
  77. Admonish.
  78. Yawn.
  79. Contemplate that.
  80. Pick one.
  81. Don't pick one.
  82. Go to sleep.
  83. Wake him up.
  84. Give advice.
  85. Shake your head.
  86. Join the competition.
  87. Give a counterargument.
  88. Look at your shoes.
  89. Apologize.
  90. Cheer up.
  91. Humor her.
  92. Say you get it.
  93. Consider that.
  94. Say you're sad to hear that.
  95. Express admiration.
  96. Be upset.
  97. Reproach.
  98. Calculate it.
  99. Say you trust him.
  100. Show that you understand.
  101. Give a wordless nod.
  102. Fall silent.
  103. Avert your eyes.
  104. Keep asking anyway.
  105. Offer to help.
  106. Change the subject.
  107. Talk about it more.
  108. Picture it in your mind.
  109. Sigh.
  110. Puzzle over that one.
  111. Be humble.
  112. Show interest.
  113. Keep listening.
  114. Hesitate.
  115. Think about why that is.
  116. Express high hopes for it.
  117. Promise.
  118. Imagine the possibilities.
  119. Ask her to teach you.
  120. Be thrilled.
  121. Make a face.
  122. Lean forward in excitement.
  123. Poke fun at him.
  124. Ask to borrow it.
  125. Call her out.
  126. Suggest you make it fertile again.
  127. Say you're also from Ordelia territory.
  128. Talk about something else.
  129. Be dispirited.
  130. Chide her.
  131. Reassure her.
  132. Be offended.
  133. Have him rest.
  134. Comfort her.
  135. Lecture her.
  136. Laugh and nod.
  137. Be reluctant.
  138. Be at a loss for how to respond.
  139. Say she really cares for her friends.
  140. Be uncertain about that.
  141. Interrupt.
  142. Be wary.
  143. Admire that about him.
  144. Be indignant.
  145. Take it to heart.
  146. Lend him yours.
  147. Be anxious.
  148. Joke around.
  149. Feel let down by that answer.
  150. Ask what she wants from them.
  151. Admit that you're nervous.
  152. Return the question.
  153. Be fearful.
  154. Be optimistic.
  155. Bring up a different subject.
  156. Straighten up a little taller.
  157. Feel the pressure.
  158. Vow to fight hard.
  159. Assert your integrity.
  160. Criticize him.
  161. Say you do think of your comrades.
  162. Champion that cause.
  163. Cheer him on too.
  164. Look resigned.
  165. Ask his name.
  166. Ask his thoughts.
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