1. Well, would you look at that. We won.
  2. Well, would you look at that. We won.
  3. Thanks to you.
  4. Thanks to you.
  5. Actually, I'd say you pulled most of the weight.
  6. Actually, I'd say you pulled most of the weight.
  7. The Kingdom and the church had a ton of grizzled [cdb]warriors on their side.
  8. The Kingdom and the church had a ton of grizzled [cdb]warriors on their side.
  9. We would've been in real trouble without you and [cdb]your mercenaries.
  10. We would've been in real trouble without you and [cdb]your mercenaries.
  11. You were pretty impressive yourself. You barely even [cdb]broke a sweat out there.
  12. You were pretty impressive yourself. You barely even [cdb]broke a sweat out there.
  13. I appreciate the compliment, though. I'm glad we got [cdb]the chance to team up like this.
  14. I appreciate the compliment, though. I'm glad we got [cdb]the chance to team up like this.
  15. Me too.
  16. Me too.
  17. The war's not over yet, though. I'm hoping you'll [cdb]stick around to the end.
  18. The war's not over yet, though. I'm hoping you'll [cdb]stick around to the end.
  19. Of course.
  20. Of course.
  21. The Ashen Demon has proved a greater asset than we [cdb]could've ever imagined.
  22. You must be relieved to see your gamble pay off.
  23. If nothing else, I'll be a lot less busy as your partner in [cdb]destiny going forward.
  24. Hm. What a...thing to imagine.