1. Born in a mountain hamlet in Leicester. Becomes a mercenary and begins living as a wanderer. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  2. Born in a mountain hamlet in Leicester. Becomes a mercenary and begins living as a wanderer. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  3. Born the child of Jeralt. Enlists as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  4. Born the child of Jeralt. Enlists as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  5. Born as the fourth daughter of Adrestian Emperor Ionius IX. Taken away by her uncle, Lord Arundel, and flees to the Kingdom. Returns to the Empire with Lord Arundel. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  6. Born as the eldest son of Marquis Vestra. Becomes Edelgard's vassal. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach with Edelgard.
  7. Born as the daughter of a lady-in-waiting to the Imperial nobles. After many twists and turns, enters the Mittelfrank Opera House. Takes the opera-going world by storm as the "Mystical Songstress." Temporarily leaves the opera house. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  8. Born the eldest son of House Aegir. His father gains power through the Insurrection of the Seven. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  9. Born the eldest daughter of Count Varley's son. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  10. Born as the second son of Count Bergliez's son. Count Bergliez retires. Caspar's father inherits the Count Bergliez title. Meets Linhardt and becomes good friends with him. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  11. Born as granddaughter of the king of Brigid. Loses father in the Dagda and Brigid War. Goes to the Empire as symbol of Brigid's vassalage. Advised by Duke Gerth. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  12. Born the eldest son of Count Hevring. Meets Caspar and becomes good friends with him. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  13. Born the eldest son of Lambert, king of Faerghus. Sole survivor of the Tragedy of Duscur. Serves as a distinguished commander for the Kingdom. Leads the suppression of a western Kingdom rebellion. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  14. Born the eldest son of a blacksmith in the Duscur region. Loses his family during the Kingdom's subjugation of Duscur. Swears fealty to Dimitri and becomes his vassal. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach with Dimitri.
  15. Born as the second son of Duke Fraldarius. Loses his older brother, Glenn, in the Tragedy of Duscur. Participates as a squire in the suppression of a western rebellion. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  16. Born the daughter of the late Baron Martritz. Mother is remarried to Baron Bartels. Younger brother, Emile, is born. Leaves House Bartels with her mother. Lives at a church in the Eastern Kingdom. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  17. Born the son of restaurant owners in Gaspard territory. Discovered and adopted by Lonato, lord of the region. Adoptive brother Christophe is executed by the Knights of Seiros. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  18. Born the eldest daughter of Gustave, a Kingdom knight. Father vanishes. Goes to live with her uncle, Baron Dominic. Enrolls at the school of sorcery in the Kingdom capital. Achieves excellent grades. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  19. Born as the second son of Margrave Gautier. Older brother, Miklan, is disinherited by House Gautier. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  20. Born the eldest daughter of Count Galatea. Becomes engaged to Glenn, the son of Duke Fraldarius. Loses her fiancé in the Tragedy of Duscur. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  21. Born as the grandchild of Duke Riegan on his mother's side. Birthplace unknown. Announced as a legitimate heir to House Riegan. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  22. Born the eldest son of Count Gloucester. Enrolls at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad. Political changes occur in the Kingdom. Leaves the school of sorcery early. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  23. Born the only daughter of Duke Goneril. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  24. Born the eldest son of a merchant family. Parents are attacked and killed by monsters. Sells estate and closes the merchant business. Resolves to become a knight. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  25. Born the eldest daughter of House Ordelia. Caught in House Hrym's revolt and suffers Imperial intervention. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  26. Born as the second son of a merchant family. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  27. Born as the daughter of a lord in the Leicester region. Adopted by Margrave Edmund. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  28. Born as the daughter of a hunter in Sauin Village. Meets Jeralt and resolves to become a mercenary. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  29. Born to a prostitute in western Fódlan. Discovered and adopted by Count Rowe. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. Expelled from the Officers Academy due to a scandal. Becomes a resident of Abyss.
  30. Born the eldest daughter of Count Nuvelle. Loses her family, title, and lands in the Dagda and Brigid War. Relocates to Fhirdiad, where she enrolls at the school of sorcery. Graduates from the school of sorcery. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  31. Born the eldest son of a lord in Leicester territory. Graduates from the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. Relinquishes his position as the heir of House Albrecht. His younger brother becomes heir of House Albrecht. To evade bounty hunters, becomes a resident of Abyss.
  32. Born in the hidden village of Timotheos. Leaves the village. Is abducted and subjected to magical experimentation. After being freed, finds refuge in a church in Faerghus. Discovered by the Knights of Seiros and imprisoned in Abyss.
  33. Becomes a member of Mittelfrank Opera Company. Takes the Imperial capital by storm as the Divine Songstress. Leaves the opera company. Becomes a professor at the Officers Academy.
  34. <<<EMPTY>>>
  35. Summoned to Garreg Mach Monastery. Becomes an assistant to the archbishop.
  36. Begins living at Garreg Mach Monastery.
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. Graduates from the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. Joins the Knights of Seiros.
  39. <<<EMPTY>>>
  40. <<<EMPTY>>>
  41. Participates in the Dagda and Brigid War. Joins the Knights of Seiros.
  42. Archbishop Rhea saves his life. Begins working at the monastery. Becomes captain of the Knights of Seiros. Goes missing after a fire at the Garreg Mach Monastery. Forms Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. Adopted as a foster child by House Hrym of the Empire. Advised by House Hrym. Becomes a professor at the Officers Academy. Becomes [HERO_MF]'s assigned professor.
  46. Born the eldest son of Duke Fraldarius. Assumes the title of Duke Fraldarius after the death of his father.
  47. Born the eldest daughter of Baron Ochs' adoptive son. After various events, her father inherits the title of Baron Ochs. Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach. Disappears shortly before her graduation.
  48. Born the eldest son of Duke Goneril. Meets Balthus and becomes good friends with him. Performs daring deeds in the war with Almyra. Becomes renowned as a hero. Graduates from the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. <<<EMPTY>>>
  54. Born to a common family in the Empire. Visits Garreg Mach Monastery and begins working there. Becomes gatekeeper for the monastery.
  55. <<<EMPTY>>>
  56. Born in a mountain hamlet in Leicester. Becomes a mercenary and begins living as a wanderer.
  57. Born in a mountain hamlet in Leicester. Becomes a mercenary and begins living as a wanderer.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. <<<EMPTY>>>
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. <<<EMPTY>>>
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>
  69. <<<EMPTY>>>
  70. <<<EMPTY>>>
  71. <<<EMPTY>>>
  72. <<<EMPTY>>>
  73. <<<EMPTY>>>
  74. <<<EMPTY>>>
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. <<<EMPTY>>>
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
  78. <<<EMPTY>>>
  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. <<<EMPTY>>>
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. <<<EMPTY>>>
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. <<<EMPTY>>>
  90. <<<EMPTY>>>
  91. <<<EMPTY>>>
  92. <<<EMPTY>>>
  93. <<<EMPTY>>>
  94. <<<EMPTY>>>
  95. <<<EMPTY>>>
  96. <<<EMPTY>>>
  97. <<<EMPTY>>>
  98. <<<EMPTY>>>
  99. <<<EMPTY>>>
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. Visits Enbarr with Edelgard. Becomes commander of the Imperial army's new mercenary unit. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  102. Visits Enbarr with Edelgard. Becomes commander of the Imperial army's new mercenary unit. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  103. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  104. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  105. Inherits the throne of the Adrestian Empire. Restores the Southern Church of Seiros. Begins reforming the Empire. Declares war against the Central Church and its supporters.
  106. Passes judgment on his father, Marquis Vestra, and inherits the title. Becomes Minister of the Imperial Household. Supports Edelgard's new administration. Becomes the emperor's second-in-command when war begins.
  107. Supports Edelgard as a friend after her ascent to the throne. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  108. His father Duke Aegir is stripped of his title. Aegir territory comes under Imperial rule. Assists with Edelgard's reformations as a vassal. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war breaks out.
  109. Returns to her home territory and shuts herself away. Forced to become a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  110. Becomes a general in the Imperial army. Devotes himself to training soldiers. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  111. Returns to Brigid. Returns to Fódlan with the onset of war. Deploys with the Imperial army as a general.
  112. Returns to his territory and indulges in laziness. Forced to help with Minister of Domestic Affairs work occasionally. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  113. Ascends to the throne as king of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Begins purging insurrectionists and reforming the Kingdom. When war begins, he assembles the Kingdom army.
  114. Supports the rule of the new king, Dimitri. Joins the war as attendant to the king.
  115. Formally ascends to head of House Fraldarius. Maintains order in his territory while assisting the king. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  116. Returns to her home in the Fhirdiad. Helps with the family business. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  117. Receives recommendation from Lonato. Becomes a knight of House Blaiddyd. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  118. Begins living with her parents in Fhirdiad. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  119. Goes back home to assist his father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  120. Goes back home to assist her father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  121. Serves as the leader of the Alliance on behalf of his ill grandfather. His grandfather, Duke Oswald, dies. Officially inherits the Riegan Dukedom. When war begins, assembles the Alliance army.
  122. Goes back home to assist his father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  123. Goes back home to a wealth of free time. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  124. Opens an inn with his family. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys as a general of the Alliance army.
  125. Goes back home to assist her father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  126. Accepts Lorenz's invitation to be a knight of House Gloucester. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  127. Goes back home to assist her stepfather with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  128. Begins work as an apprentice mercenary. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys as a general of the Alliance army.
  129. Leaves Abyss. Leads his underlings in various covert operations across the lands. Summoned by Gwendal, a former general of House Rowe. Joins forces with the Imperial army. Deploys to the Saving of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army at said battle.
  130. As a resident of Abyss, devotes herself to the study of magic. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Deploys at the Battle of Garreg Mach. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army as a general.
  131. Travels the land as a wandering mercenary. When war begins, he is hired by House Gloucester. Deployed to the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army as a general.
  132. Resides in Abyss, grumbling about being bored. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Deploys to the Battle of Garreg Mach. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army as a general.
  133. With the Officers Academy closed, returns to Enbarr. At her request, supports Edelgard's regime. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  134. <<<EMPTY>>>
  135. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  136. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  137. <<<EMPTY>>>
  138. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. Leaves the Knights of Seiros and becomes a mercenary. While working in Leicester, the Empire declares war. At Claude's request, she joins the Alliance army as a general.
  142. Leads Jeralt's Mercenaries to join the war as hired mercenaries.
  143. <<<EMPTY>>>
  144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  145. Quits his post as professor at the Officers Academy. Returns to Enbarr. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  146. Takes responsibility for the Tragedy of Duscur. Steps down as Duke Fraldarius. Becomes a trusted retainer of the King. Handles negotiations with Duscur and other vassal states. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  147. After being abducted she is rescued by [HERO_MF] and co. Returns to Enbarr with Edelgard. Assists with Edelgard's reformations as a vassal. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  148. Assists his father, Duke Goneril, as his heir. When the war begins he assumes command of Goneril's army. Appears at the Derdriu Gambit as reinforcements. Henceforth joins the Alliance army as general.
  149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  150. <<<EMPTY>>>
  151. <<<EMPTY>>>
  152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  153. <<<EMPTY>>>
  154. Works as the monastery's gatekeeper. While visiting family back home in the Empire, war breaks out. Becomes gatekeeper at the Imperial army's camp.
  155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  156. Visits Fhirdiad with Dimitri. Becomes captain of House Blaiddyd's private army. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  157. Visits Fhirdiad with Dimitri. Becomes captain of House Blaiddyd's private army. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  158. Visits Derdriu in Riegan territory with Claude. Works as a mercenary for the duke's house. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  159. Visits Derdriu in Riegan territory with Claude. Works as a mercenary for the duke's house. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  160. Supports Edelgard as a friend after her ascent to the throne. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the Battle of Magdred. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  161. Returns to her home territory and shuts herself away. Forced to become a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights at the Assault on Arundel Territory. Is persuaded to become a general in the Kingdom army.
  162. Returns to her home territory and shuts herself away. Forced to become a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the siege on the Imperial army. Is persuaded to become a general in the Alliance army.
  163. Returns to Brigid. Returns to Fódlan with the onset of war. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army. Fights in the Deliverance in the Valley of Torment. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  164. Returns to Brigid. Returns to Fódlan with the onset of war. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army. Fights in the Battle at Gronder Field. Is persuaded to become a general for the Alliance army.
  165. Returns to his territory and indulges in laziness. Forced to help with Minister of Domestic Affairs work occasionally. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights at the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general in the Alliance army.
  166. Returns to her home in the Kingdom capital. Helps with the family business. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins. Fights at the Defense of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  167. Receives recommendation from Lonato. Becomes a knight of House Blaiddyd. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins. Fights at the Battle of Magdred. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  168. Goes back home to assist his father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights at the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army. At the same time, inherits the title of Count Gloucester.
  169. Opens an inn with his family. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights at the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  170. Accepts Lorenz's invitation to be a knight of House Gloucester. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights at the Great Coup of Myrddin. He is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  171. Goes back home to assist her father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights at the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  172. Goes back home to assist her stepfather with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights at the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  173. Travels the land as a wandering mercenary. When war begins, he is hired by the Imperial army. Fights at the Derdriu Gambit. Is persuaded to become a general for the Alliance army.
  174. Resides in Abyss, grumbling about being bored. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Joins the Imperial army after they conquer Garreg Mach. Fights in the Deliverance in the Valley of Torment. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  175. Leaves the Knights of Seiros and becomes a mercenary. While working in Leicester, the Empire declares war. At Catherine's request, she reunites with the Knights of Seiros. Fights alongside the Intruders in Enbarr. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  176. Leaves the Knights of Seiros and becomes a mercenary. While working in Leicester, the Empire declares war. At Catherine's request, she reunites with the Knights of Seiros. Fights at the Saving of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  177. Works as the monastery's gatekeeper. Garreg Mach is conquered by the Imperial army. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Becomes gatekeeper at the Kingdom army's camp.
  178. Works as the monastery's gatekeeper. Accompanies a friend who is returning home to Derdriu. War breaks out. News that Garreg Mach has fallen reaches Leicester. Becomes gatekeeper at the Alliance army's camp.
  179. <<<EMPTY>>>
  180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  181. <<<EMPTY>>>
  182. <<<EMPTY>>>
  183. <<<EMPTY>>>
  184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  185. <<<EMPTY>>>
  186. <<<EMPTY>>>
  187. <<<EMPTY>>>
  188. <<<EMPTY>>>
  189. <<<EMPTY>>>
  190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  191. <<<EMPTY>>>
  192. <<<EMPTY>>>
  193. <<<EMPTY>>>
  194. <<<EMPTY>>>
  195. <<<EMPTY>>>
  196. <<<EMPTY>>>
  197. <<<EMPTY>>>
  198. <<<EMPTY>>>
  199. <<<EMPTY>>>
  200. <<<EMPTY>>>
  201. Becomes commander of the Imperial army's new mercenary unit. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  202. Becomes commander of the Imperial army's new mercenary unit. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  203. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Subjugation of the Western Kingdom. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army along with his father Jeralt.
  204. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Subjugation of the Western Kingdom. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army along with her father Jeralt.
  205. Declares war against the Central Church and its supporters. Declares war on both the Kingdom and Alliance armies as a result. Makes peace with the Alliance and enters into a treaty with them.
  206. Becomes the emperor's second-in-command when war begins.
  207. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  208. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  209. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  210. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  211. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  212. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  213. Assembles the Kingdom army when war begins. Resists the Empire but is hurt at the Defense of the Silver Maiden. Joins forces with the Leicester Alliance Faces down the Empire at the war's front.
  214. Joins the war as an attendant to the king.
  215. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  216. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  217. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  218. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  219. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  220. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  221. When war begins, he assembles the Alliance army. He resists the Empire, but the Almyran army attacks. Enters a ceasefire with the Empire. He founds the Leicester Federation and becomes its first king.
  222. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. His father retires. Becomes Count Gloucester and assists the Federation's king.
  223. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Pushes her older brother Holst to take the title of Duke Goneril.
  224. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  225. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Assists the Federation's king as the representative of Count Ordelia.
  226. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  227. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Assists the Federation's king in Margrave Edmund's stead.
  228. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys with the Alliance army as a general.
  229. Fights in the Subjugation of the Western Kingdom. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  230. Fights at the Battle of Garreg Mach. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  231. Fights at the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  232. Fights at the Battle of Garreg Mach. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  233. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  234. <<<EMPTY>>>
  235. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  236. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  237. <<<EMPTY>>>
  238. The Empire conquers Garreg Mach. Takes refuge in the Kingdom. Assists the Kingdom army as a general.
  239. <<<EMPTY>>>
  240. <<<EMPTY>>>
  241. Is working in Leicester when the Empire declares war. Joins the Alliance army as a general, at Claude's request.
  242. Active as a mercenary and leader of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Subjugation of the Western Kingdom. Is persuaded to join the Imperial army.
  243. <<<EMPTY>>>
  244. <<<EMPTY>>>
  245. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  246. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  247. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins.
  248. When the war begins he assumes command of Goneril's army. Appears at the Derdriu Gambit as reinforcements. Henceforth joins the Alliance army as general. His father retires. Assumes the title of Duke Goneril and assists the Federation's king.
  249. <<<EMPTY>>>
  250. <<<EMPTY>>>
  251. <<<EMPTY>>>
  252. <<<EMPTY>>>
  253. <<<EMPTY>>>
  254. Becomes the gatekeeper at the Imperial army camp. Upon recognition of his abilities, he joins the army as a general.
  255. <<<EMPTY>>>
  256. Becomes captain of House Blaiddyd's private army. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  257. Becomes captain of House Blaiddyd's private army. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins.
  258. Works in Riegan territory as a mercenary. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  259. Works in Riegan territory as a mercenary. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins.
  260. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Conquest of Hevring. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army with his father Jeralt.
  261. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Conquest of Hevring. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army with her father Jeralt.
  262. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Ambush on the Federation King. Is persuaded to join the Federation army with his father Jeralt.
  263. Works as a member of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Ambush on the Federation King. Is persuaded to join the Federation army with her father Jeralt.
  264. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights at the Battle of Magdred. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom Army.
  265. Supports Edelgard as a friend after her ascent to the throne. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Rescued during the Pacification of Ordelia. Becomes a general in the Federation army.
  266. Returns to her home territory and shuts herself away. Forced to become a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the Assault on Arundel Territory. Is persuaded to become a general in the Kingdom army.
  267. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the siege on the Imperial army. Is persuaded to become a general in the Alliance army.
  268. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the Deliverance in the Valley of Torment. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  269. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights at the Battle at Gronder Field. Is persuaded to become a general for the Alliance army.
  270. Returns to his territory and indulges in laziness. Forced to help with Minister of Domestic Affairs work occasionally. Becomes a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the Blitz of the Western Empire. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  271. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Fights in the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general for the Alliance army.
  272. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins. Fights in the The Defense of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  273. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins. Fights in the Battle of Magdred. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  274. Receives recommendation from Lonato. Becomes a knight of House Blaiddyd. Deploys as a general in the Kingdom army when war begins. Fights in the Invasion of the Northern Kingdom. Is persuaded to become a general for the Federation army.
  275. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights in the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army. At the same time he inherits the title of Count Gloucester.
  276. Goes back home to assist his father with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. After his father's retirement, he becomes Count Gloucester. Assists the Kingdom army when they join forces with the Alliance.
  277. Opens an inn with his family. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys as a general of the Alliance army. Fights in the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  278. Opens an inn with his family. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys as a general of the Alliance army. Assists the Kingdom army when they join forces with the Alliance.
  279. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights in the Great Coup of Myrddin. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  280. Accepts Lorenz's invitation to be a knight of House Gloucester. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Assists the Kingdom army when they join forces with the Alliance.
  281. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights in the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  282. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Fights in the Blitz of Riegan. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  283. Goes back home to assist her stepfather with governmental affairs. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army when war begins. Assists the Kingdom army when they join forces with the Alliance.
  284. Begins work as a mercenary-in-training. Summoned by Claude when war begins. Deploys as a general in the Alliance army. Rescued at the Pacification of Hrym. Joins the Imperial army as a general.
  285. Leaves Abyss. Leads his underlings in various covert operations across the lands. Summoned by Gwendal, a former general of House Rowe. Joins forces with the Imperial army. Deploys to the Saving of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army at said battle.
  286. Leaves Abyss. Leads his underlings in various covert operations across the lands. Hired by Fleche, an associate of House Bergliez. Fights in the Ambush on the Federation King. Is persuaded to become a general for the Federation army.
  287. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Loses in battle. Joins the Imperial army after they conquer Garreg Mach. Fights in the Blitz of the Western Empire. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  288. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Loses in battle; Garreg Mach falls. Flees to the Kingdom along with the Central Church. Deploys to the Clash at Ailell. Is persuaded to join the Federation army as a general.
  289. Travels the land as a wandering mercenary. When war begins, he is hired by the Imperial army. Fights in the subjugation of the Western Church. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  290. Fights at the Derdriu Gambit. Is persuaded to become a general for the Alliance army.
  291. Fights in the Deliverance in the Valley of Torment. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  292. Conscripted to fight for the Central Church when war begins. Loses in battle; Garreg Mach falls. Flees to the Kingdom along with the Central Church. Deploys to the Clash at Ailell. Is persuaded to join the Federation army as a general.
  293. Fights alongside the Intruders in Enbarr. Is persuaded to become a general for the Imperial army.
  294. At Catherine's request, she reunites with the Knights of Seiros. Fights in the Saving of the Silver Maiden. Is persuaded to become a general for the Kingdom army.
  295. Active as a mercenary and leader of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Conquest of Hevring. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army.
  296. Active as a mercenary and leader of Jeralt's Mercenaries. Fights in the Ambush on the Federation King. Is persuaded to join the Federation army.
  297. Becomes the gatekeeper at the Kingdom army camp. Upon recognition of his abilities, he joins the army as a general.
  298. Becomes the gatekeeper at the Alliance army camp. Upon recognition of his abilities, he joins the army as a general.
  299. Quits his post as professor at the Officers Academy. Returns to Enbarr. Deploys as a general in the Imperial army when war begins. Is persuaded to join the Kingdom army at the Showdown at Ailell.
  300. <<<EMPTY>>>