1. Hey there. Got time for a little chat?
  2. I do, but don't you kind of have a lot going on [cdb]right now?
  3. Oh, I should probably be using your title now, [cdb]shouldn't I? Since you're a king and all, Your Majesty.
  4. Call me whatever you want. I'm still the [cdb]same Claude.
  5. I was shocked when I heard you were going to be the [cdb]king of Leicester.
  6. I never imagined you'd be able to unify the Alliance [cdb]and make it all "official."
  7. Hey, it was your idea. Don't tell me you forgot!
  8. Sounds familiar...
  9. Doesn't ring a bell.
  10. Oh, right, the thing. The thing I definitely remember. That thing.
  11. Hm, are you sure? You're not filling me with [cdb]confidence in your memory here.
  12. Sorry, it's not ringing any bells.
  13. Seriously? Wow. Guess that's just you being you, [cdb]though, come to think of it.
  14. You said that the Alliance should get rid of the [cdb]roundtable system so we could act more decisively.
  15. Oh, yeah... I did say that. But I didn't expect you [cdb]to remake the whole alliance as a...federation? Whatever that is?
  16. Alliance. Federation. They're the same thing with [cdb]different names. I just established something new [cdb]to get rid of the old system.
  17. Huh. I guess it makes sense when you put it that way.
  18. You're a strange one, you know that? I find myself [cdb]actually wanting to open up to you.
  19. It's probably because you don't seem to have any [cdb]strings attached. Makes it easy to talk to you.
  20. Yeah, I'm just a wandering mercenary. All my life, I've never had many relationships to speak of.
  21. Right, right. You were taken in pretty young, [cdb]weren't you?
  22. Yeah. I don't remember any of it, but that's what my [cdb]mom told me.
  23. The lady who raised you... What kind of person [cdb]was she?
  24. Hm, how do I put it? It was like she could do [cdb]anything. She taught me all sorts of stuff.
  25. We lived in a small village deep in the mountains. It was a humble life, and I didn't interact much with [cdb]the other villagers.
  26. Then one day, my mom suddenly got sick and passed [cdb]away. And I was booted out of the village.
  27. I had to use everything she taught me just to stay [cdb]alive after that.
  28. So you were left to face the world all alone after they [cdb]kicked you out, huh?
  29. The whole time, yeah.
  30. I became a mercenary, but the groups I joined didn't [cdb]last for long, so I ended up drifting from one place to [cdb]the next.
  31. And that's how I ended up like this. Completely untethered.
  32. I see. You know, I think I understand you a little [cdb]better now.
  33. Though I suppose I can't say for certain that I don't [cdb]have any connections.
  34. You mean your power?
  35. Yeah. I still have no idea what it actually is or who my [cdb]real parents are.
  36. Just remember that no matter what you find out, [cdb]it won't change who you are. Just like how becoming [cdb]a king hasn't changed who I am.