1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. Monks who serve the Church of Seiros with healing magic.
  5. <<<EMPTY>>>
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. <<<EMPTY>>>
  8. Elite, handpicked knights devoted to the Church of Seiros.
  9. Elite knights devoted to the Church of Seiros who take their name from Saint Indech.
  10. Elite magic users who serve the Church of Seiros and take their name from Saint Macuil.
  11. Front-line infantry that serves the Empire.
  12. Seasoned warriors who fight for the Empire.
  13. Magic users who lend their talents to the Empire.
  14. Skilled archers who fight for the Empire.
  15. Cavalry in service to the Empire.
  16. Experienced knights in service to the Empire.
  17. Armored infantry that fights for the Empire.
  18. Master archers who serve the Empire.
  19. Powerful magic users who lend their expertise to the Empire.
  20. Armored infantry that brings pavise shields to battle for the Empire.
  21. Pegasus knights devoted to the Empire.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. Veteran armored infantry serving the Empire.
  24. Skilled white magic users who bring their talents to the Empire.
  25. Highly mobile infantry that serves the Empire.
  26. <<<EMPTY>>>
  27. <<<EMPTY>>>
  28. Veteran armored troops whose service to the Empire has earned them the Black Eagle title.
  29. <<<EMPTY>>>
  30. Pegasus knights whose loyal service to the Empire has earned them the Black Eagle title.
  31. Standard front-line infantry for the Kingdom.
  32. Lance infantry that fights for the Kingdom.
  33. Magic users who lend their skills to the Kingdom.
  34. Skilled archers who serve the Kingdom.
  35. Cavalry that fights for the Kingdom.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. Armored infantry that fights for the Kingdom.
  38. Master archers in service to the Kingdom.
  39. Powerful magic users who lend their expertise to the Kingdom.
  40. Veteran lance infantry that serves the Kingdom.
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. Wyvern riders who fight for the Kingdom.
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. Heavily armored Kingdom knights.
  46. Personal bodyguards of the king of Faerghus.
  47. Kingdom priests who are skilled in white magic.
  48. Kingdom cavalry whose prowess has proven them worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  49. Kingdom magic users who have proved themselves worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  50. Dancers whose service to the Kingdom has made them worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  51. Standard front-line infantry of the Alliance.
  52. Talented duelists who fight for the Alliance.
  53. Magic users who lend their skills to the Alliance.
  54. Seasoned archers who serve the Alliance.
  55. Cavalry that fights for the Alliance.
  56. Experienced knights in service to the Alliance.
  57. Armored infantry that fights for the Alliance.
  58. Master archers in service to the Alliance.
  59. Powerful magic users who lend their expertise to the Alliance.
  60. Expert duelists who fight for the Alliance.
  61. Pegasus knights devoted to the Alliance.
  62. Wyvern riders who fight for the Alliance.
  63. Armored infantry that brings pavise shields to battle for the Alliance.
  64. Alliance physicians skilled in the art of healing.
  65. Alliance magic users worthy to be called sages.
  66. Master archers who fight for the Alliance.
  67. Elite soldiers personally handpicked to serve the leader of the Alliance.
  68. Alliance wyvern riders with the battle experience to make them worthy of the Golden Deer title.
  69. Master archers of the Alliance who have proven themselves worthy of the Golden Deer title.
  70. Alliance cavalry whose skill in battle has earned them the Golden Deer title.
  71. The strongest armored soldiers in the Empire, handpicked by Edelgard.
  72. The most skilled lance infantry in the Kingdom, handpicked by Dimitri.
  73. The most elite wyvern riders in the Alliance, handpicked by Claude.
  74. Powerful magic users who belong to the secretive House Vestra.
  75. Knights who boast a history of skill and honorable service to the noble House Aegir.
  76. Priests who serve House Hevring, renowned for their skill with white magic.
  77. Brawlers who serve House Bergliez, notorious for their relentless attacks.
  78. Snipers who are the pride of House Varley for their ability to eliminate intruders with precision.
  79. Volunteer soldiers comprised of cast, crew, and fans of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.
  80. Hunters from Brigid, famous for their agility and grace on the field of battle.
  81. Strong and heavily armored warriors who hail from Duscur.
  82. Elite soldiers personally trained by Rodrigue, the former Shield of Faerghus.
  83. Elite knights from Gaspard territory, where Lonato once ruled.
  84. Knights from House Gautier, said to be the very fastest in the Kingdom.
  85. Kingdom monks who belong to the church that sheltered and helped raise Mercedes.
  86. Students and graduates of Fhirdiad's school of sorcery, which Annette once attended.
  87. Pegasus knights from House Galatea. Masters of the Kingdom skies.
  88. Knights from the noble House Gloucester, skilled in both sword and magic.
  89. Mercenaries from the Leicester region with a wealth of combat experience.
  90. Elite mercenaries hired to be the private army of the Victor Trading Company.
  91. Magic users who have sworn unwavering loyalty to House Ordelia.
  92. Archers trained by Margrave Edmund to repel foreign threats from the borders of Fódlan.
  93. Powerful women whose fighting skills have long served House Goneril.
  94. Youths from Sauin Village who have banded together to combat poachers.
  95. Wyvern riders named after Saint Cichol. Personally trained by Seteth.
  96. Monks blessed by Saint Cethleann, known for their boundless compassion.
  97. Veteran mercenaries commanded personally by Jeralt, the Blade Breaker.
  98. Cavalry trained personally by the Death Knight.
  99. Anna's secret weapon in her eternal effort to maintain the highest profit margins.
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. <<<EMPTY>>>
  102. <<<EMPTY>>>
  103. <<<EMPTY>>>
  104. <<<EMPTY>>>
  105. <<<EMPTY>>>
  106. Proud warriors of Duscur, fighting to reclaim what was lost.
  107. Outcasts from a defeated Almyran clan, now a band of Fódlan mercenaries.
  108. Mercenaries who have come to Fódlan all the way from the Brigid archipelago.
  109. Scholars who learned the magical arts in Morfis.
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. Brawlers who fight for the Empire.
  112. Brawlers who fight for the Kingdom.
  113. Brawlers who fight for the Alliance.
  114. <<<EMPTY>>>
  115. <<<EMPTY>>>
  116. An enigmatic organization dedicated to investigating Fódlan's many mysteries.
  117. Elite warriors trained personally by Holst, the Leicester region's greatest general.
  118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  121. <<<EMPTY>>>
  122. <<<EMPTY>>>
  123. <<<EMPTY>>>
  124. <<<EMPTY>>>
  125. <<<EMPTY>>>
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. <<<EMPTY>>>
  128. <<<EMPTY>>>
  129. <<<EMPTY>>>
  130. <<<EMPTY>>>
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. <<<EMPTY>>>
  134. <<<EMPTY>>>
  135. <<<EMPTY>>>
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. <<<EMPTY>>>
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. <<<EMPTY>>>
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. <<<EMPTY>>>
  144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  145. <<<EMPTY>>>
  146. <<<EMPTY>>>
  147. <<<EMPTY>>>
  148. <<<EMPTY>>>
  149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  150. <<<EMPTY>>>
  151. <<<EMPTY>>>
  152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  153. Renowned duelists of House Daphnel. Elite defenders of Leicester.
  154. Wyvern riders hailing from Almyra.
  155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  158. Long-dead heroes, revived with the power of ancient technology.
  159. <<<EMPTY>>>
  160. <<<EMPTY>>>
  161. <<<EMPTY>>>
  162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  163. <<<EMPTY>>>
  164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  165. <<<EMPTY>>>
  166. <<<EMPTY>>>
  167. <<<EMPTY>>>
  168. <<<EMPTY>>>
  169. <<<EMPTY>>>
  170. <<<EMPTY>>>
  171. <<<EMPTY>>>
  172. <<<EMPTY>>>
  173. <<<EMPTY>>>
  174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  175. <<<EMPTY>>>
  176. <<<EMPTY>>>
  177. <<<EMPTY>>>
  178. <<<EMPTY>>>
  179. <<<EMPTY>>>
  180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  181. <<<EMPTY>>>
  182. <<<EMPTY>>>
  183. <<<EMPTY>>>
  184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  185. <<<EMPTY>>>
  186. <<<EMPTY>>>
  187. <<<EMPTY>>>
  188. <<<EMPTY>>>
  189. <<<EMPTY>>>
  190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  191. A battalion of rogues handpicked by Yuri for their exemplary talent.
  192. A battalion of brawny gamblers from the Leicester region.
  193. Magic-wielding pegasus riders once employed by House Nuvelle before its fall.
  194. Especially gifted magic users whose lives share some similarities with Hapi's.
  195. <<<EMPTY>>>
  196. <<<EMPTY>>>
  197. <<<EMPTY>>>
  198. <<<EMPTY>>>
  199. <<<EMPTY>>>
  200. <<<EMPTY>>>
  201. Lance infantry that fights for the Empire.
  202. Lance infantry that fights for the Alliance.
  203. Seasoned warriors who fight for the Kingdom.
  204. Seasoned warriors who fight for the Alliance.
  205. Talented duelists who fight for the Empire.
  206. Talented duelists who fight for the Kingdom.
  207. Expert duelists who fight for the Empire.
  208. Expert duelists who fight for the Kingdom.
  209. Pugilists who swing their fists for the Empire.
  210. Pugilists who swing their fists for the Kingdom.
  211. Pugilists who swing their fists for the Alliance.
  212. Healers who tend to the Empire's wounded.
  213. Healers who tend to the Kingdom's wounded.
  214. Healers who tend to the Alliance's wounded.
  215. The Kingdom's most talented fencers.
  216. Empire magic users worthy to be called sages.
  217. Kingdom magic users worthy to be called sages.
  218. Master archers who fight for the Empire.
  219. Master archers who fight for the Kingdom.
  220. Soldiers who use their superhuman strength to fight for the Empire.
  221. Soldiers who use their superhuman strength to fight for the Kingdom.
  222. Soldiers who use their superhuman strength to fight for the Alliance.
  223. Kingdom wyvern riders with the battle experience to make them worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  224. Expert duelists of the Empire whose feats on the field of battle has earned them the Black Eagle title.
  225. Expert duelists of the Kingdom whose feats on the field of battle has earned them the Blue Lion title.
  226. Expert duelists of the Alliance whose feats on the field of battle has earned them the Golden Deer title.
  227. Empire magic users who have proved themselves worthy of the Black Eagle title.
  228. Alliance magic users who have proved themselves worthy of the Golden Deer title.
  229. Master archers of the Empire who have proven themselves worthy of the Black Eagle title.
  230. Master archers of the Kingdom who have proven themselves worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  231. Empire brawlers whose fisticuffs have turned the tides often enough to make them worthy of the Black Eagle title.
  232. Alliance brawlers whose fisticuffs have turned the tides often enough to have made them worthy of the Golden Deer title.
  233. Priests whose service to the Empire has earned them the Black Eagle title.
  234. Priests of the Kingdom whose adherence to the code of chivalry makes them worthy of the Blue Lion title.
  235. Alliance monks whose dedication to protecting Leicester makes them worthy of the Golden Deer title.
  236. Young, energetic soldiers who have banded together under [HERO_MF].
  237. Long-dead soldiers who fought for Fódlan's liberation, revived with the power of ancient technology.
  238. A new mercenary group formed by the most loyal members of the now disbanded Guardians of Fódlan.
  239. Members of the Church of Seiros tasked with defending the monastery with their lives.
  240. A group of individuals believed to be connected to the goddess. While they lack the power to transform, their peerless skills honor her name.
  241. An elite group of mercenaries who are highly renowned outside of Fódlan.
  242. Wielders of adamantine swords that can penetrate even the thickest armor. Effective against armored units.
  243. Dark magic wielders who excel at annihilating mounted foes. Effective against cavalry units.
  244. Expert archers who can hit foes at any distance. Effective against fliers.
  245. Soldiers trained to combat foes with sturdy armor. Effective against armored units.
  246. Soldiers trained to combat mounted foes. Effective against cavalry units.
  247. Soldiers trained to combat flying foes. Effective against fliers.
  248. Mercenaries who hail from Dagda, a land far to the west of Fódlan.
  249. A Fódlan-based warrior brigade formed of the descendants of those from the northern land of Sreng.
  250. Wandering soldiers who once called the frigid land of Albinea home.
  251. A private military group of myrmidons hired by merchants.
  252. <<<EMPTY>>>
  253. <<<EMPTY>>>
  254. <<<EMPTY>>>
  255. A private military group of brawlers hired by merchants.
  256. <<<EMPTY>>>
  257. A volunteer army whose members are competent with swords.
  258. A volunteer army whose members are competent with lances.
  259. A volunteer army whose members are competent with axes.
  260. A volunteer army whose members are competent with bows.
  261. A volunteer army whose members are competent with their fists.
  262. A volunteer army whose members are competent with magic.
  263. An elite mercenary group composed of those who excel at wielding swords.
  264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  265. <<<EMPTY>>>
  266. An elite mercenary group composed of those who excel at attacking from long range.
  267. <<<EMPTY>>>
  268. <<<EMPTY>>>
  269. <<<EMPTY>>>
  270. <<<EMPTY>>>
  271. <<<EMPTY>>>
  272. <<<EMPTY>>>
  273. <<<EMPTY>>>
  274. <<<EMPTY>>>
  275. <<<EMPTY>>>
  276. <<<EMPTY>>>
  277. <<<EMPTY>>>
  278. <<<EMPTY>>>
  279. <<<EMPTY>>>
  280. <<<EMPTY>>>
  281. <<<EMPTY>>>
  282. <<<EMPTY>>>
  283. <<<EMPTY>>>
  284. <<<EMPTY>>>
  285. <<<EMPTY>>>
  286. <<<EMPTY>>>
  287. <<<EMPTY>>>
  288. <<<EMPTY>>>
  289. <<<EMPTY>>>
  290. <<<EMPTY>>>
  291. <<<EMPTY>>>
  292. <<<EMPTY>>>
  293. <<<EMPTY>>>
  294. <<<EMPTY>>>
  295. <<<EMPTY>>>
  296. <<<EMPTY>>>
  297. <<<EMPTY>>>
  298. <<<EMPTY>>>
  299. <<<EMPTY>>>
  300. <<<EMPTY>>>