1. I shall perform to my utmost!
  2. I can fight as well!
  3. Let us away.
  4. Is everyone sufficiently prepared?
  5. Did you witness my prowess?
  6. I am maturing at a rapid pace.
  7. They say experience feeds growth.
  8. I feel my strength building.
  9. Hmm... Rather disappointing.
  10. I am pleased with how well that went!
  11. I have yet to achieve my full potential.
  12. Perhaps we should stop for the moment?
  13. We did our very best, and it shows!
  14. Alone, I would not have achieved nearly so much.
  15. I make no excuses for our performance.
  16. Ah-ha!
  17. I still have talent, I see!
  18. Ooh, how joyous!
  19. A new me? How momentous!
  20. How delightful!
  21. I accept it with thanks.
  22. What...is this?
  23. Oh my! Are you certain you want me to have this?
  24. Please accept this. It is something I hold very dear.
  25. Of course. Let us be off.
  26. What grand adventure will you take me on today?
  27. I am thrilled to receive an invitation from you!
  28. Would you mind listening to my idea?
  29. I shall see to preparations at once!
  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
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