A massive Almyran army has assembled to assail Fódlan's Locket once more. Forced to call off your invasion of the Empire, you race back to Leicester to deal with this unexpected turn of events.

Nader volume_up
Sorry, kiddo! Looks like this is it for me.
Nader volume_up
Odd... Have I gotten rusty?
Nader volume_up
Ugh, I won't be undefeated much longer if I keep letting them corner me like this!
link Claude volume_up
Disorganized mob or not, their sheer numbers are impressive.
link Claude volume_up
But Leicester will be done for if we let them break through. We have to take out the enemy leader at all costs.
link Holst volume_up
Let's start by taking care of the enemies near our base!
link Shahid volume_up
I will not allow this to be a repeat of before. Do not spare a single soldier! Crush them immediately!
link Holst volume_up
They're trying to take our base through brute force. Brace yourselves, everyone!
link Lysithea volume_up
At this rate, we may succeed in overcoming the first wave of attackers!
link Lorenz volume_up
We have managed to protect our base!
link Lorenz volume_up
Enemy reinforcements have taken up positions in the north and south. We will not be able to use the same tactics as before.
link Claude volume_up
Then we'll just have to shake things up. Let's steal their strongholds and light the beacons!
link Lorenz volume_up
The beacons? Ah, I see! You mean to lure them in!
link Shahid volume_up
There is a signal from one of our strongholds? Hah, what an obvious trap. As if we would fall for something like that, you fools!
link Nader volume_up
So, it's begun. Prepare to carry out the plan.
link Marianne volume_up
We've lit two beacons, but the enemy isn't doing anything.
link Claude volume_up
We've lit all the beacons now. The enemy forces should be able to see them.
link Shahid volume_up
Hmph! Do not be fooled by those beacons! We will overwhelm the enemy with our sheer numbers!
link Hilda volume_up
Uh, looks like we've got more enemy troops on our hands. Was drawing them over here really a good idea, Claude?
link Claude volume_up
We've got them right where we want them. Now we'll pretend to attack the northern front and... Well, I won't spoil the surprise.
link Claude volume_up
Nader! Did you see the beacons? Everything's good to go on our end. How about you?
Nader volume_up
I've been waiting for ages, kiddo! Let's get started!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Prince Shahid! General Nader has defected!
link Shahid volume_up
He was working with the enemy?! I will show him what fate awaits a traitor! Kill him!
link Claude volume_up
So, he's going straight for our linchpin, is he? Everyone, defend Nader!
link Nader volume_up
Hey, who needs protecting? As if I'd fall here!
link Claude volume_up
Hah! True, you are Nader the Undefeated. But I like to make sure I've covered every possibility.
link Lorenz volume_up
I never would have imagined we had an Almyran general on our side. We must use this opportunity to gain the advantage!
link Shahid volume_up
You still haven't killed Nader?! Surely only a small handful of troops defected with him?
link Shahid volume_up
This is much worse than I anticipated. We have no choice but to retreat and regroup.
link Claude volume_up
We'll regret it later if we let them leave now. Don't let the enemy leader get away!
link Ignatz volume_up
He's going to get away! Chase him down, now!
Shez volume_up
He's getting away! Hurry up and catch him!
Shez volume_up
He's getting away! Hurry up and catch him!
link Claude volume_up
He may be running, but I seriously doubt he's the type to give up so easily...
link Shahid volume_up
I order every soldier on the front line to attack! And I will cut down anyone who does not obey!
link Hilda volume_up
He's trying to get away again! Catch him!
link Leonie volume_up
This isn't good! He'll get away if we don't catch him quick!
link Hilda volume_up
Uh, this is bad, right? He's going to get away if we don't hurry!
Shahid volume_up
Fódlan cowards! The likes of you could never kill me!
link Holst volume_up
Come then, gallant warrior of Almyra! Put my "cowardice" to the test!
link Shahid volume_up
It really is you... It's been you all along! To think that you're the one who turned Nader against me!
link Claude volume_up
Well would you look at that, you figured it out. I'm here to stop you from ruining Almyra's reputation, Shahid.
link Shahid volume_up
I will become king of Almyra! A barbarian like you could never defeat me!
link Shahid volume_up
No, I will not yield!
link Shahid volume_up
Fódlan scum! Kill me if you can!
link Claude volume_up
Everyone, focus on the Almyran leader! If we defeat him, we win the whole battle!
link Shahid volume_up
I don't care who, but someone has to hold off the enemy while I make my retreat!
link Holst volume_up
Greetings, my sworn brother! The day has finally come when we can fight side by side!
link Nader volume_up
Yes, my brother! Let's show them what we're made of!
Shez volume_up
This should stop the threat from the rear.
Shez volume_up
This should stop the threat from the rear.
link Nader volume_up
If we can bust open that stronghold, we'll be able to get ahead of Shahid and block his escape.
link Claude volume_up
Attack the gate now!
link Claude volume_up
Hang on, there's no point in breaking down that gate now.
link Hilda volume_up
Oh no! Our base is going to fall!
link Lorenz volume_up
Make haste and defeat the enemy troops targeting our base!
link Raphael volume_up
Uh oh! The enemy's attacking our base!
link Nader volume_up
Odd... Have I gotten rusty?
link Claude volume_up
If Nader falls, our siege does too! Make sure he's protected!
link Shahid volume_up
No, I will not yield!
link Claude volume_up
No! If they make it through the Locket, we're finished!
link Shahid volume_up
Hmph, time to regroup. Mark my words, we will break through Fódlan's Throat next time!
link Claude volume_up
No, he escaped! This was our chance to end it once and for all!
link Claude volume_up
They took out Nader? We've no chance of winning now!
link Shahid volume_up
I've done it! All forces, resume the offensive! Our victory is assured! Ahahaha!