
We'll figure something out if we work together.


  1. Yuri: I do the brain work, and you do the heavy lifting. Just like when we were back at Abyss.
  2. Balthus: And also like old times, we split the reward fifty-fifty!
  1. Balthus: Nothing like a little coin to warm my pockets.
  2. Yuri: So warm it'll burn a hole right through. Well, don't come crying to me when you're broke again.
  1. Balthus: Been a while since the two of us had a serious fight. It reminds me of when we first met!
  2. Yuri: This is training, Balthus. Training. Don't come after me looking to mount my head on your wall.


  1. Balthus: Oh, it's Hilda. Let's get this taken care of quick, all right?
  2. Hilda: I don't think I appreciate your attitude, mister.
  1. Hilda: You were surprisingly diligent today, Baltie. Are you really that strapped for coin?
  2. Balthus: Cram it, will you? I was working just as hard as I always do!
  1. Balthus: Holst'll bust my chops if I send you home with bruises, but it also doesn't do you any good if I hold back.
  2. Hilda: You say that, Baltie, but you always train with me in earnest. It really helps, you know.


  1. Balthus: What do you say to a little wager over who can get better results?
  2. Holst: I'm fine with some friendly competition, but I'm not betting any coin. I won't be an enabler for your vices.
  1. Holst: You did well, Balthus. I'm not giving you any money, but I'll at least hand out credit where it's due.
  2. Balthus: I'll take a cold brew over praise any day, so what say you buy me a round instead?
  1. Balthus: Never a dull moment with you around, Holst. Still, why don't the two of us ever really cut loose like we used to?
  2. Holst: Because we're older now—and much stronger. A rampage like when we were kids would endanger the entire area.