
Invite on an Expedition


This seems to be a fine location for a large skirmish... Ah, my apologies. That was a boorish thing to say.
As you walk along, lost in your thoughts, something flies in front of you!


This forest is as beautiful as it is tranquil. How good to see such a place spared from the fell machinations of human greed.
Everything is silent—deeply, utterly silent. The forest knows true calm.


How foolish of man to mar such a solemn and majestic landscape with the scars of war.
As you walk side-by-side on the mountain path, [0:CHARA_G] trips and falls! You dash to their aid at once.


This reminds me of a place I used to live... Ah, but I feel waves of nostalgia washing over me.
The water is crystal-clear, in a way you only thought possible in stories. Your mind relaxes at the sight of countless fish and an abundance of aquatic flora.


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