
Yeah, let's get this done.


  1. Hilda: I don't think I'm cut out for this. You take the lead, Claude.
  2. Claude: OK, but you're still going to have to pull your weight.
  1. Claude: I don't mind getting my hands dirty once in a while. It'll be a nice change of pace.
  2. Hilda: If you want a change of pace, a tea party would be much better. Just say the word and I'm there.
  1. Hilda: That went surprisingly well. We're like a dream team!
  2. Claude: Something like that. I'm just glad you actually pitched in.
  1. Hilda: I'll keep a close eye on you, so feel free to go all out.
  2. Claude: I don't need a babysitter, Hilda. I need you to do your training.


  1. Lorenz: I could not possibly entrust you with work such as this, Claude. I shall take care of everything.
  2. Claude: You don't think I can handle it, do you? But I guess this really is more your thing.
  1. Claude: Let's hurry up and get this over with. It should be a piece of cake for you, right?
  2. Lorenz: Naturally. After all, I am none other than Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!
  1. Lorenz: Would you not say this was a resounding success?
  2. Claude: Sure seems like it. But I bet you could handle it fine on your own next time.
  1. Lorenz: If you train with me, you are guaranteed to achieve stunning results.
  2. Claude: Sure, Lorenz. Let's see if you live up to all that talk.


  1. Claude: I feel bad dragging you into this grunt work.
  2. Holst: Don't be, I'm here of my own accord. A chance to build experience should never be wasted.
  1. Holst: That should do it. Fine work all around!
  2. Claude: I couldn't have done it without you. There's nothing you're not incredible at, huh?
  1. Holst: Training is pointless if it doesn't feel like true combat. Come at me with the intent to kill.
  2. Claude: If I were facing you in "true combat," I'd be running for the hills right now.