
Indeed, let's give it our best.


  1. Rodrigue: You shouldn't be troubled by such menial tasks as these, Your Majesty. I suggest you rest instead.
  2. Dimitri: Work like this will help me stay sharp when I need it most. Besides, you're here to help lighten my burden.
  1. Dimitri: A fine effort. I couldn't have done it without you by my side, Rodrigue.
  2. Rodrigue: There's no need for flattery, Your Majesty. We both know you helped me more than the reverse.
  1. Rodrigue: Strange. It feels as though I'm facing off against Lambert himself.
  2. Dimitri: I'm not sure I can live up to my father's prowess in the art, but I will do my best.


  1. Felix: Don't I already do enough chores with you at home?
  2. Rodrigue: Bad luck this time. Come, it'll go quicker if you don't spend so long complaining.
  1. Rodrigue: A fine result, in spite of ourselves. Perhaps this is the power of a father-son team.
  2. Felix: What are you even saying? Actually, never mind. Let's just get this over with.
  1. Rodrigue: A nice sparring session should shake some of the rust off these old bones. I only hope becoming duke hasn't dulled your blade.
  2. Felix: Worry about yourself, old man. Let's do this!