1. I can't afford to lose.
  2. Not a chance.
  3. Sorry it's gotta be like this.
  4. All right, who's next?
  5. That takes care of one enemy!
  6. We've got it under control!
  7. All right! We did good!
  8. And I won't let anyone take it back!
  9. Come back after you've trained some more!
  10. Sorry, Claude. I'm real bad at holding back.
  11. You haven't trained enough, Ignatz!
  12. I took down Holst?! I'm the best!
  13. I just beat the King of Grappling, [cdb]which makes me the King of Muscle!
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You must not be thinking straight. You know I've got the best muscles in Leicester, right?
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. You really are strong! Wish we were on the [cdb]same side.
  25. Wow, you're real powerful! Wish we were on [cdb]the same side.
  26. Just look how ripped my muscles are!
  27. My muscles aren't done yet!
  28. I...I can still fight!
  29. No strength left...
  30. Thanks!
  31. Thanks, friend!
  32. That helps!
  33. Thank you.
  34. Look at you!
  35. You're amazing.
  36. I knew you had it in you!
  37. You're incredible!
  38. Pretty good for a scrawny merc!
  39. Way to go, Claude!
  40. You're so talented, Ignatz!
  41. You sure are strong, Holst! You gotta show me [cdb]how you train.
  42. Yeah! Just watching you gets my blood [cdb]pumping!
  43. You're pretty amazing, all right.
  44. Great one, Leonie! Did your captain teach [cdb]you that?
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You're really going for it! See what you can [cdb]accomplish when you eat right?
  49. I'm proud to be fighting by your side, Ignatz!
  50. Amazing, Leonie! Where you been hiding [cdb]those muscles?
  51. Don't overdo it, Petra! I'll protect you if you [cdb]need it!
  52. Looks like you've been working out too, Felix!
  53. Whoa! You beat that many already?
  54. Whoa! You took down that many already?
  55. You're seriously strong! I gotta keep up!
  56. Wow, Claude. Guess muscles aren't everything [cdb]after all.
  57. Nice, Ignatz! You're way stronger than [cdb]those other knights!
  58. I wanna be as strong as you someday, Holst!
  59. You're Leicester's King of...Muscles, right? Yeah, all hail the king!
  60. My muscles are screaming that you're the best!
  61. I'm so lucky to have a friend as strong and [cdb]kind as you, Ignatz!
  62. As long as we got Leonie, our future is bright!
  63. Brigid can rest easy with a princess as strong [cdb]as Petra!
  64. Your muscles are loving the workout, Felix! Now mine are itching for a flex too!
  65. Urgh, they got us.
  66. I won't let 'em keep doing this!
  67. They're showing some real muscle now.
  68. I gotta stop 'em myself.
  69. Looks like I can't just smash 'em.
  70. OK, time to attack!
  71. No one's taking this place while I'm here!
  72. Hey, I think they're having a rough time [cdb]over there.
  73. No! We let that stronghold fall? We've as good [cdb]as lost!
  74. Wanna see who's stronger?
  75. Get in my way and I'll knock you flat!
  76. I know you'll give me a challenge!
  77. Sorry, but if you're our enemy, I gotta take [cdb]you down.
  78. Wanna see who's got more muscle?
  79. I'm way stronger than you, Claude!
  80. Those scrawny arms can't take me, Ignatz!
  81. I get to fight you, Holst? I can't wait!
  82. I hear you're the Famed King of Grappling, [cdb]but you don't look like royalty to me.
  83. I don't want to have to fight you, [cdb]but let's see what you got!
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Hey, I did it!
  89. Where'd all my strength go?
  90. Rrrgh! I messed up!
  91. I'm not gonna fall here!
  92. OK, I'm coming right back!
  93. I'm gonna get a good workout!
  94. Raaah! My muscles can't be contained!
  95. I gotta do everything I can!
  96. Time to let loose again!
  97. Maya...I'm sorry. I did what I could.
  98. Leave it to me!
  99. Whatever it takes.
  100. When we win, I'm gonna eat a pile of steak [cdb]to celebrate!
  101. Let's hurry up and save 'em! Then we [cdb]can feast!
  102. Hang in there, everyone! We gotta defend [cdb]this place!
  103. We'll have to make a run for it. On the double, [cdb]everyone!
  104. All the muscle I built will have been for [cdb]nothing if we don't win!
  105. Yeah! You can count on me and my muscles!
  106. I don't like the look of this, but I know we can [cdb]pull through!
  107. All right! Come at me!
  108. Ugh, I really don't wanna fight 'em.
  109. Hey, we won! Wish I could've got a few more [cdb]hits in, though.
  110. Woohoo! No one's a match for my brawn!
  111. Looks like we're good here. Let's get to [cdb]feasting!
  112. See? I'm good at defense too!
  113. We got away, and that's good and all, but now I'm hungry!
  114. Oh yeah! These arms can't be beat!
  115. It's over? Ugh, if only I were stronger...
  116. Guess my muscles weren't the answer.
  117. That's the spirit! Keep on blasting through!
  118. We might be on the back foot, but I'll just [cdb]push forward!
  119. OK, follow me!
  120. Whoa! The path's blocked!
  121. I'm going ahead!
  122. I better back 'em up!
  123. I'll help you out!
  124. Charge ahead, everyone!
  125. Go back 'em up, would ya?
  126. Go rescue 'em!
  127. You gotta defend this area!
  128. Sorry, everyone. Guess I'm not good for much [cdb]after all.
  129. Hey, you wanna fight with me?
  130. Sorry, but I need a hand!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. If you hurt my friends, I'll send you flying!
  134. Hey, don't let it get you down! We gotta stand [cdb]strong!
  135. All right! Here I go!
  136. There's nothing these muscles can't do!
  137. Hey, that went pretty good!
  138. That was nothing!
  139. Ugh, what a bust.
  140. Sorry, I messed it up.
  141. Oh yeah! Now we're good to go!
  142. Everyone's gonna be so disappointed.
  143. I got this!
  144. Getting things done!
  145. Ugh, that didn't work.
  146. Whoa! That's no good!