1. It's finished.
  2. I'm not going to die yet.
  3. I have no time for mercy.
  4. You underestimated me.
  5. I've got no time to lose.
  6. We'll be taking this now.
  7. Shall we take up position here?
  8. It's under our control!
  9. I thought you were stronger than that.
  10. Don't tell me you were holding back, Claude?
  11. I hope you now understand how powerful I [cdb]am, Lorenz!
  12. That should teach you to never raise your [cdb]blade against me.
  13. I wonder if you really could have created a [cdb]world without Crests.
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You need to work harder.
  20. I will not rest until I annihilate every last one [cdb]of you!
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. This is why I detest war.
  25. Hate me if you must.
  26. I'm unsatisfied. I will grow even stronger!
  27. This is hardly a surprise after all the work I've [cdb]put in!
  28. I might be in a little trouble.
  29. I cannot die yet!
  30. That helps.
  31. I appreciate that.
  32. Thank you!
  33. I am grateful.
  34. So reliable!
  35. Not bad!
  36. You're in good form.
  37. You're relentless.
  38. Huh. You're pretty useful sometimes.
  39. Your fighting style is one of a kind.
  40. It appears all your boasting was actually [cdb]justified.
  41. Hilda's actually exerting herself. Now that's [cdb]something you don't see everyday.
  42. You strike a gallant figure, Edelgard.
  43. That's nothing out of the ordinary for you.
  44. To you, I'm sure this achievement is nowhere [cdb]near adequate.
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Seeing you give it your all motivates me too.
  49. You're doing quite well for yourself, Claude. But you could save some for the rest of us.
  50. The way you carry out your duty is truly [cdb]admirable, Lorenz.
  51. Oh, if only I had as much muscle as you... is something I've never said in my life.
  52. You're an inspiration to us all, Ferdinand.
  53. Incredible! But I know you're capable [cdb]of more.
  54. Phenomenal! But surely you are capable [cdb]of more?
  55. Astonishing... I had no idea you were that [cdb]powerful.
  56. You don't often fight this fervently. Not that [cdb]it's a bad thing.
  57. Well done, Lorenz! What? I give compliments [cdb]when they're deserved!
  58. A skilled hawk hides its talons. Maybe you're [cdb]the same, Hilda.
  59. Your resolve is clear, Edelgard.
  60. I'm certain the future we'll forge is bright.
  61. We need that talent of yours. So please, be [cdb]careful not to let yourself die before I do.
  62. You don't make it easy to keep up with you, [cdb]but I won't fall behind!
  63. Never change, Raphael.
  64. Your clear-eyed sincerity moves even me, Ferdinand.
  65. This is just what the enemy wants!
  66. Maybe we miscalculated.
  67. I knew I had reason to fear you.
  68. I'll defeat you myself!
  69. I detest an enemy who can't be defeated [cdb]through greater effort...
  70. Let's take it down at once!
  71. I vow to defend this location!
  72. No! That stronghold will fall if we don't do [cdb]something!
  73. We lost a strategic location. We have to admit [cdb]defeat.
  74. By the time you realize your miscalculation, [cdb]it'll be too late.
  75. I will not let you get in our way!
  76. Don't expect me to go easy on you. Because I won't.
  77. Sorry, but I need you out of the way!
  78. Allow me to determine the extent of your [cdb]abilities!
  79. Don't you dare treat me like a child and go [cdb]easy on me, Claude.
  80. I have my own duty to fulfill, so I will not [cdb]back down!
  81. You're actually applying yourself, which makes [cdb]this that much harder.
  82. No matter your resolve, I will not yield!
  83. The difference between us is that I work [cdb]harder!
  84. I will destroy each and every one of you with [cdb]my own hands!
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Ha! Take that!
  89. I was careless.
  90. Do not think this is over!
  91. I cannot let it end here!
  92. I leave the rest to you.
  93. Do you require my talents?
  94. Just try me!
  95. I will repay my humiliation tenfold!
  96. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Now then, [cdb]shall we crush them?
  97. If only I'd lived...just a little longer.
  98. Leave it to me!
  99. I'll show you how my hard work has paid off!
  100. It all boils down to win or lose.
  101. We must save them! Come on, everyone!
  102. We'll defend this position no matter what!
  103. It would be wise to withdraw. Quickly, [cdb]everyone!
  104. I'll pour all my efforts into this battle! Let us [cdb]open a path toward the future!
  105. I won't let you down.
  106. A disadvantage is nothing to fear. We will turn [cdb]this around!
  107. You don't stand a chance against us!
  108. I won't hold back. That's how I show respect.
  109. Hah, that's no surprise! I work much harder [cdb]than anyone else.
  110. I hope this victory moves us closer to our [cdb]desired future.
  111. We made it in time. I'm so glad they're [cdb]all right.
  112. We said we'd defend this place and we did!
  113. Phew, we managed to make our escape. I don't want to ever do that again.
  114. Yes! Victory is ours! This is a great step for us.
  115. We cannot keep going. It's unfortunate, [cdb]but we must admit defeat.
  116. Seems I may have...underestimated the enemy.
  117. The tides have turned in our favor. Keep it up!
  118. Ngh... Things have taken a turn for the worse. We must regain our footing or else.
  119. The path has opened. Let us proceed!
  120. Ugh! Do not get in my way!
  121. I'll go on ahead!
  122. I've got you covered!
  123. Allow me to aid you!
  124. Everyone, forward march!
  125. Go, aid them!
  126. Save them, quickly!
  127. Bolster our defenses here!
  128. I'm sorry for all the trouble. If only I were [cdb]stronger...
  129. You there! Could you give me a hand?
  130. As much as I hate to admit it, I need [cdb]your help!
  131. My apologies, but could you lend me a hand?
  132. I beg your assistance!
  133. I'm only getting started! You'll regret it if you [cdb]underestimate me!
  134. No! Our morale is dropping!
  135. You can count on me!
  136. I'll do my best!
  137. Ha! What did you expect?
  138. Of course I did it.
  139. That was embarrassing. I'm sorry.
  140. I thought I'd planned for everything...
  141. What a major triumph!
  142. Ugh, this is mortifying!
  143. I'm going!
  144. That turned out well!
  145. Rrrgh!
  146. This can't be good.