1. Rue your own frailty.
  2. Child's play.
  3. I feel nothing.
  4. Words are unnecessary.
  5. My life is a hollow procession.
  6. Too easy.
  7. It's captured.
  8. Moving on.
  9. If you wish to kill me, hone your skills and [cdb]try again.
  10. It's been a while since I felt the thrill of battle. We will meet again!
  11. Mercedes... I never meant to hurt you.
  12. Not bad. I shall remember you, Thunder Catherine.
  13. That we cannot fight without reservation is... unfortunate.
  14. Do not oppose me if you wish to reclaim House Nuvelle.
  15. It does not surprise that you are known as the Empire's strongest.
  16. It seems you've lost your edge, Blade Breaker.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You are dirt upon my boots.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. This is war.
  25. You never should have turned your blade [cdb]against me.
  26. Like lambs to the slaughter.
  27. What's wrong with you? Not one blade has [cdb]touched my throat.
  28. This grows troublesome.
  29. Yes. Now, I'm starting to feel it!
  30. Sorry to delay you.
  31. I suppose I should thank you.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. Acceptable.
  35. Splendid.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. Praiseworthy.
  39. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
  40. Such skill for a former professor.
  41. I'll be sure to remember you.
  42. One day I hope we will fight to the death, Blade Breaker.
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. To think I would learn something from you...
  49. I expect no less from you.
  50. Do take care, Mercedes.
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. A shame we cannot fight to the death.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. You have killed so many... Perhaps I [cdb]underestimated you.
  56. I knew you were skilled, but this exceeds [cdb]expectations.
  57. Your fighting style is ostentatious. I do not [cdb]mean that as a criticism.
  58. I can hardly believe you were once a [cdb]songstress.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. You have improved. Perhaps your blade will [cdb]be the one to finally... No, forget it.
  61. You and I must cross blades in earnest soon.
  62. I thought you needed my protection, but your [cdb]strength has proven otherwise.
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. At least one of them is skilled.
  66. Your strength intrigues me.
  67. I'm sorry, but this is as far as you go.
  68. Interesting.
  69. Yes... Only the sweet taste of death makes me [cdb]feel alive!
  70. Commencing attack. Follow me.
  71. Get into defensive positions.
  72. It must not fall.
  73. The stronghold has fallen. We must retreat.
  74. So. You want me to cut you down.
  75. You must have a death wish.
  76. You stand against me. How amusing.
  77. A duel to the death, then.
  78. You must be quite confident to challenge me.
  79. Hm. That sword of yours may be able to [cdb]cut me.
  80. I'm sorry, Mercedes. I cannot restrain [cdb]myself.
  81. You dare challenge me? You've not changed.
  82. I dare not kill my employer. How vexing.
  83. I can smell your power, and I welcome it!
  84. Perhaps one of Leicester's strongest can [cdb]slay me.
  85. Your valor resounds throughout the Empire! Strike me down with it!
  86. If you wish to control me, then you must [cdb]defeat me!
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. I've completed my task.
  89. I have not had my fill, but I shall retreat [cdb]for now.
  90. I see. So be it.
  91. Hmph. You will face me again.
  92. I shall return.
  93. Allow me to aid you.
  94. I hope some prey remains.
  95. Once more into the fray.
  96. I desire more death.
  97. If only I could return to those days... once more...
  98. It is time.
  99. I'll take them all.
  100. Let me taste death.
  101. Let us get on with it.
  102. Nothing bores me more than defense.
  103. I suppose escape is necessary sometimes.
  104. Entertain me.
  105. I will accompany you.
  106. Do not be intimidated.
  107. It has begun.
  108. Hmph. I might enjoy this.
  109. How unsatisfying.
  110. Remain vigilant.
  111. Rescue complete. Returning now.
  112. Defended as instructed.
  113. Our pursuers have abandoned the chase.
  114. Not a single one was able to kill me.
  115. We have been defeated. Our mission is failed.
  116. And so...we are undone...
  117. Hm. Now things have become easier.
  118. So, we are backed into a corner.
  119. The problem is rectified.
  120. We cannot proceed.
  121. Advancing.
  122. Providing support.
  123. You might make a boring fight more [cdb]enjoyable.
  124. Move.
  125. Aid them.
  126. Rescue them.
  127. Defend.
  128. Can nothing be done?
  129. Lend me your strength.
  130. Assist me.
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. Let us put a swift end to this.
  134. Those who are able, come with me.
  135. Starting the mission.
  136. Is that an order?
  137. That should suffice.
  138. What next?
  139. There were unexpected difficulties.
  140. Apologies. I can go no further.
  141. Success.
  142. I have failed.
  143. It begins.
  144. All too easy.
  145. A shame.
  146. That was...unforeseen.