1. Such tasks are beneath you, Your Majesty. Please rest [cdb]while I handle this.
  2. Don't be ridiculous. Besides, a little manual labor [cdb]here and there serves as wonderful stress relief.
  3. You always tell me to rest, Dedue, but I wonder if you [cdb]get enough rest yourself.
  4. You needn't worry, Your Majesty. I will rest when I must.
  5. The two of us make a formidable team.
  6. I'm just happy to be of use.
  7. Delicious. Would you like some, Your Majesty?
  8. Your food is your own, Dedue. Now eat. You deserve [cdb]the sustenance.
  9. How nice it is to eat with friends. Far preferable to [cdb]taking my meals alone in silence.
  10. I must thank you. I haven't seen His Majesty in high [cdb]spirits like this for far too long.
  11. Don't hold anything back, Dedue. Together, our [cdb]success is guaranteed.
  12. I'll do my best. Just don't overexert yourself, Your Majesty.