1. Sir Jeritza... Um, I mean, Sir Emile? I will put forth [cdb]my best effort so as not to be a burden to you.
  2. So you're her today? No matter. Just stay out of [cdb]my way.
  3. Lucky you, Emile! Just leave everything to me and [cdb]we'll be done in no time at all! Ahaha!
  4. So you're her today? Fine. We'll see about this boast.
  5. These results should be sufficient...considering.
  6. Considering that my ineptitude held us back from [cdb]achieving anything greater?
  7. I don't like your tone, sir! Our results today only [cdb]speak to the strength of our bond!
  8. Emile, is that all you're going to eat? You must have [cdb]something extra sweet saved for dessert.
  9. Fine. I will share.
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. <<<EMPTY>>>
  12. I fear I will only be a hindrance to your training... Perhaps you should seek out a more capable partner?
  13. Dispense with the self-degradation and come at me!