1. I'm told you are sending the knights to help us, Lady Rhea. I do not wish to sound ungrateful, [cdb]but are you sure you want to do that?
  2. The Church of Seiros cannot overlook this grievance.
  3. Regrettably, many of our knights were dispatched [cdb]elsewhere several days ago on another matter.
  4. However, while we may lack numbers, we have [cdb]put together a unit of considerable skill.
  5. It will be captained by someone near and dear to [cdb]you, in fact—someone well-suited to a mission within [cdb]the Kingdom.
  6. Someone near to... Ah, of course. That is [cdb]encouraging.
  7. Since its very inception, we have watched over the Kingdom of Faerghus as one would their own child.
  8. When its peace is threatened, the church has no [cdb]choice but to act.
  9. I have not forgotten your outpouring of aid after [cdb]my father's passing four years ago.
  10. And I swear to repay that kindness in full.
  11. One other thing. A suggestion, if you will, from [cdb]the church.
  12. Interesting. So she wants all of us to go with you?
  13. Yes. This time, the Knights of Seiros will be [cdb]accompanying us in addition to Professor Jeritza.
  14. Well, I certainly don't mind. But Annie and Ashe, [cdb]what about you?
  15. You know I'm always behind you, but considering [cdb]what it means for my uncle, I don't know.
  16. House Dominic's lands are surrounded by other [cdb]houses that are likely to support Rufus's claim.
  17. If I join you, it could sour my family's relations with [cdb]our neighbors.
  18. I'll go. I mean, of course I don't want to get Lonato [cdb]into any trouble...
  19. But I also know he'd want me to do what I think [cdb]is right.
  20. I'm sorry to place such a difficult decision on your [cdb]shoulders, Ashe. And what of you?
  21. Enthusiastically agree.
  22. Reluctantly agree.
  23. I'm in. The more time I spend here at the academy, [cdb]the more I miss actual fighting.
  24. I'm in. The more time I spend here at the academy, [cdb]the more I miss actual fighting.
  25. I'm really not sure about this, but I also have nothing [cdb]to gain by staying here at the academy.
  26. I'm really not sure about this, but I also have nothing [cdb]to gain by staying here at the academy.
  27. Besides, I wanna use my powers to help. After all, [cdb]the good or evil of a thing comes from the person [cdb]wielding it, am I right?
  28. Besides, I wanna use my powers to help. After all, [cdb]the good or evil of a thing comes from the person [cdb]wielding it, am I right?
  29. Heh. Indeed it does. You have my thanks.
  30. There you go again, throwing yourself headlong into [cdb]the first conflict you find. No wonder I have to keep [cdb]stepping in to guide you!
  31. Still, we basically have no choice, so run wild, I guess!
  32. I'll inform you of the details soon. Please ensure [cdb]you're prepared by then.