1. OK, I get that this little chat needs to be a secret, [cdb]but if we get any deeper into the woods, someone's [cdb]gonna be looking for our corpses.
  2. OK, I get that this little chat needs to be a secret, [cdb]but if we get any deeper into the woods someone's [cdb]gonna be looking for our corpses.
  3. One can never be too safe.
  4. We do not know where our enemy lurks these days.
  5. Lysithea's here too? What's she got to do with this?
  6. Lysithea's here too? What's she got to do with this?
  7. Lysithea has had contact in the past with those who [cdb]slither in the dark.
  8. I asked her to come along so she might be privy to all [cdb]of the information.
  9. I'm just listening. Pretend I'm not even here.
  10. And besides, they're my enemy too.
  11. Right.
  12. Right.
  13. Now as you know, our enemy has gone into hiding.
  14. But considering what they are capable of, we cannot [cdb]relax our guard, particularly at the capital.
  15. The streets of Enbarr practically teemed with them [cdb]at one time.
  16. So we cannot rule out the possibility they will attempt [cdb]some mischief when Her Majesty and the rest of us [cdb]return.
  17. That's true. They're devious...both everywhere and [cdb]nowhere at once. We have to be careful.
  18. Move the conversation along.
  19. Sympathize with Hubert.
  20. And what's that got to do with me, again? You want [cdb]me to stop 'em somehow?
  21. And what's that got to do with me, again? You want [cdb]me to stop 'em somehow?
  22. I have a request, yes—and a warning.
  23. They're a real headache, all right. So how can I help?
  24. They're a real headache, all right. So, how can I help?
  25. I called you here because I have a request— [cdb]and a warning.
  26. I believe that if those who slither in the dark do try [cdb]something, they will attempt to approach you.
  27. Me?
  28. Me?
  29. Yes. You.
  30. Your powers may come from the same place as theirs, [cdb]right?
  31. As we have previously discussed, your powers and [cdb]theirs have the same origins.
  32. It stands to reason they might try to recruit you.
  33. Sure, but they'd be wasting their time.
  34. Sure, but they'd be wasting their time.
  35. There's no way I'm gonna help those monsters.
  36. There's no way I'm gonna help those monsters.
  37. And what if they appear as your long-lost brother? Same hair, same eyes, a voice full of kindness.
  38. Or what if one of them calls out, "I've finally found [cdb]you, my child!"
  39. Maybe they are your family. Maybe they are not. Could you really drive a sword through their heart [cdb]with that knowledge yet uncertain?
  40. ...
  41. ...
  42. Forgive me. That was cruel. I am merely voicing one [cdb]possibility among many.
  43. Still, now you will know to expect it. It behooves you [cdb]to remember how harsh reality can actually be.