- The nearer we get to Blaiddyd territory, the more
[cdb]resistance we're likely to face.
- The lords surrounding the capital are the most loyal
[cdb]to the crown.
- We have Geraint, Enid, Brennius, and Belinus.
- There is no telling whether these houses will choose
[cdb]subjection or destruction.
- Regardless, we cannot simply ignore them as we
[cdb]attempt to march on the capital.
- We must seize control of each of their lands and
[cdb]establish footholds before continuing on.
- The Alliance is still doing everything we expected of
[cdb]them. There are no changes on that front.
- So as long as we continue tightening the vise
[cdb]around the Kingdom, we're certain to fulfill
Your Majesty's goals!
- Glad to hear it about the Alliance.
- Glad to hear it about the Alliance.
- Does this mean the war will be over soon? I feel some
[cdb]actual motivation coming on!
- Well, in that case...
- Nope! Nope. Never mind, motivation gone.
- That was a close one, Bernadetta. You almost got
[cdb]yourself assigned to the front lines.
- As for me, you know what to do—just put me right at
[cdb]the front and let me start wrecking stuff!
- We shall see who does more wrecking of stuff, Caspar.
I will not be letting you outshine me.
- Watch as I am bringing glory to Brigid and the
Empire on the battlefield!
- I wonder if I'll find someone worth marrying before
[cdb]this war is over...
- Of course you will, Dorothea! You're amazing!
- Enough. It's easy to let your guard down when the
[cdb]end is in sight, and we can't fall victim to that.
- Stay disciplined—and together we will take Fódlan's
[cdb]future in hand.
- Don't worry, Edelgard. We're ready to get this done.
- Don't worry, Edelgard. We're ready to get this done.
- That goes doubly so for me. I must ready myself for
[cdb]the final clash that looms in the coming days.
- Right then. Let's start by taking care of the enemy in
[cdb]front of us.
- Right then. Let's start by taking care of the enemy in
[cdb]front of us.