1. Apparently it started with attacks by bandits and [cdb]insurgents, which touched off a widespread revolt.
  2. The people have taken to the streets, and now Hrym [cdb]and Ordelia territory are in total chaos.
  3. We have no choice but to intervene.
  4. At present, it is just Hrym territory, but if the unrest [cdb]spreads to neighboring Imperial lands, there will be [cdb]no water cask large enough to quench the flames.
  5. Especially if the fires were intentionally set.
  6. And yet, redeploying our forces to deal with the [cdb]unrest could be exactly what they're after.
  7. I believe it is, Your Majesty.
  8. With the aid of the Alliance, we were on the brink of [cdb]securing the Kingdom's surrender. The war was all [cdb]but decided.
  9. It seems certain parties were not at all happy with [cdb]that particular arrangement.
  10. Suggest ignoring the revolt entirely.
  11. Suggest returning to quell the revolt.
  12. Are you sure we have to deal with it right now? Why not go back once we finish up in the Kingdom?
  13. Are you sure we have to deal with it right now? Why not go back once we finish up in the Kingdom?
  14. And go back to what, exactly? An Empire in flames?
  15. Ugh. Sounds like we don't have a choice.
  16. Ugh. Sounds like we don't have a choice.
  17. No one is more reluctant than I am to turn back [cdb]when victory is within our grasp—but it is the only [cdb]option.
  18. Yeah, you can't exactly wage a war when your own [cdb]land's falling apart at the seams.
  19. Yeah, you can't exactly wage a war when your own [cdb]land's falling apart at the seams.
  20. No one is more reluctant than I am to turn back [cdb]when victory is within our grasp—but it is the only [cdb]option.
  21. Fortunately, the Kingdom now lacks the soldiers to [cdb]take advantage and regain their lost territory.
  22. We'll leave enough troops to hold the line and take [cdb]the main force east at speed.
  23. I'll have Count Bergliez take position at Arianrhod.
  24. That sounds exhausting. But you're the boss.
  25. Do you mind if I just slink off to my room and... Oh, here come the dagger eyes. Never mind!
  26. If it's settled, let's not waste another second.
  27. Every moment we delay means more suffering for the [cdb]innocent people who are caught up in this.
  28. Going to Hrym land will take us close to Aegir... Needless to say, I am in favor of departing at once.
  29. Let's go find the masterminds behind this mess [cdb]and send 'em to meet their maker!
  30. But how will we be telling the innocent people from [cdb]those who are causing trouble?
  31. A fair point. If we're too reckless, many good people [cdb]are going to be killed.
  32. Only one thing to do. Let's get to Hrym territory and [cdb]sort this out.
  33. Only one thing to do. Let's get to Hrym territory and [cdb]sort this out.