1. Our scouts have returned from Fort Merceus. There's less movement than we anticipated.
  2. That likely means the former Duke Aegir wants us to [cdb]attack the fortress to make up for his disadvantage in [cdb]troop strength.
  3. The numbers don't lie. One needs three times the [cdb]forces of their enemy to claim a castle in a siege.
  4. Although that's if you attempt to take it head-on...
  5. So do we have a plan or what? I mean, Fort Merceus [cdb]is basically impenetrable.
  6. Heh. Actually, this one time, we came home well [cdb]after curfew and had to try and sneak back in.
  7. Turns out, there was no way in. The guards mistook [cdb]us for bandits, and father shouted at us until he lost [cdb]his voice. Ah, good times...
  8. The good news is that we have learned of a passage [cdb]into the fort which was been kept secret since [cdb]its construction.
  9. The bad news is that Aegir likely also learned of the [cdb]passage when he was prime minister.
  10. Unless his reason has completely taken flight, the man [cdb]will take some sort of measures to defend it.
  11. The fortress is huge in size. We should organize [cdb]small teams and be attacking from many points.
  12. If we achieve success, we can open the gates from [cdb]the inside and be giving the enemy a surprise.
  13. It only serves other regions if the Empire starts [cdb]shedding Empire blood.
  14. We should find a resolution that minimizes casualties [cdb]on both sides.
  15. Um, is this the part where I chime in?
  16. Because, um...if you want to coax someone out of [cdb]hiding, breaking down the door is the wrong way to [cdb]go about it.
  17. That'll only push them further into their shells, [cdb]sooo...I think we should try talking to them instead.
  18. Is it just me, or is our corner of the world an [cdb]uncontrolled mess?
  19. Why don't we just put all of your plans into action? We've got the numbers to do it.
  20. Why don't we just put all of your plans into action? We've got the numbers to do it.
  21. Let's just throw everything at the wall and see what [cdb]sticks. We've got the numbers to do it.
  22. Let's just throw everything at the wall and see what [cdb]sticks. We've got the numbers to do it.
  23. We can sneak soldiers in, use the secret passage, [cdb]talk it out, and apply brute force all at the same time.
  24. We can sneak soldiers in, use the secret passage, [cdb]talk it out, and apply brute force all at the same time.
  25. As long as one of those approaches works, we'll win.
  26. As long as one of those approaches works, we'll win.
  27. That's actually not a bad plan... And it didn't even [cdb]come from me! Amazing!
  28. I mean, the "brute force" part is a little risky, [cdb]but I dare say you're learning!
  29. Hmm. An intriguing idea.
  30. But what about the hostages? If we force our way in, [cdb]they're likely to be killed.
  31. I will not permit that to happen.
  32. And while my father may be a fallen noble, he is still [cdb]a noble, and not the sort of man to start butchering [cdb]innocent people when the tides turn.
  33. I pray you are right, Ferdinand—though I believe you [cdb]never know what a person is capable of until they act.
  34. We will proceed with this plan at once, adapting as [cdb]the situations dictate.
  35. We cannot fail. Not here. Not now.