1. Everyone here? Then let's get right into it. We have [cdb]to figure out exactly where we stand in this war.
  2. As you all know, the Empire has taken the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
  3. The Imperial army now occupies what was formerly House Phlegethon territory. House Gloucester has [cdb]surrendered to them as well.
  4. Doubtless an agonizing decision on my father's part.
  5. House Ordelia, to the east of the bridge, has also [cdb]vowed not to take up arms against the Empire.
  6. We had precious little in the way of arms in the first [cdb]place. You have my deepest apologies.
  7. You don't have to apologize, Lysithea. Count Ordelia [cdb]did what anyone would've done.
  8. And now Lorenz and Lysithea can't even go [cdb]back home.
  9. That's not all. After the battle, the Imperial army [cdb]crossed Gloucester territory and attacked Garreg Mach.
  10. Rhea and the rest of the Central Church have [cdb]apparently fled to the Kingdom for sanctuary.
  11. Then I suppose none of us will be able to visit our [cdb]old school anytime soon.
  12. I hope no one from the church was hurt...
  13. Now that the monastery has fallen, the front lines are [cdb]rapidly expanding north. It won't be long before Derdriu is within their reach.
  14. And if our capital falls, the Alliance goes with it. We [cdb]have to stop them there, no matter the cost.
  15. That all sounds well and good, but how large of [cdb]an army will you even be able to raise at this point?
  16. I don't think House Edmund will be able to send [cdb]more troops. I'm sorry.
  17. Which means House Goneril is the last of the Five Great Lords upon whom we can rely.
  18. I'm not so sure the combined forces of Houses Riegan [cdb]and Goneril will be enough to hold off the whole Empire.
  19. We'll just have to work with what we've got. And let's [cdb]not forget the Hero of Daphnel.
  20. But we can't expect much from her in terms of [cdb]sheer numbers. Any chance the Kingdom could [cdb]send troops?
  21. I doubt they'll have any to spare. They've just started [cdb]engaging the Empire themselves, over in the west of Faerghus.
  22. And besides, I'm not sure how much we can really [cdb]trust them. I still have no idea what's going on in Dimitri's head.
  23. I might just have a plan, though. For now, all I can [cdb]ask is that you fight, and fight with every last thing [cdb]you've got.
  24. You can always count on me! And my muscles!
  25. Thanks, Raphael. That unfounded confidence of [cdb]yours is like music to my ears.