1. And you're sure?
  2. And you're sure?
  3. Very. The Sreng people did indeed attack, but they [cdb]never broke through Gautier territory.
  4. Meaning the margrave is unharmed. Why, then, [cdb]was our contact cut off?
  5. It's possible someone within the Kingdom is [cdb]interfering. The margrave suspected as much when [cdb]his initial envoy never returned.
  6. In response he dispatched a slew of messengers, [cdb]myself included, all on wholly distinct routes. It would appear I'm the only one who arrived safely.
  7. It's good to know my father's safe, but it's starting [cdb]to sound like we have a big problem on our hands.
  8. Like as not, someone's ambushing these messengers [cdb]as they pass through Blaiddyd lands.
  9. This is bringing back bad memories. It's all too [cdb]similar to when Count Rowe's convoy was attacked.
  10. The boar suspected Cornelia at the time, and I'm [cdb]growing ever more inclined to agree with him.
  11. Have you any news from the north? What of the [cdb]capital? And the king?
  12. Nothing at the time of my departure, I'm sorry to [cdb]report.
  13. Guess there's only one way to find out, then. We should head up there ourselves, Felix.
  14. Guess there's only one way to find out, then. We should head up there ourselves, Felix.
  15. The margrave would surely send word if something [cdb]were to happen at the capital.
  16. I imagine we'll have more clarity on the situation in [cdb]a few days' time.
  17. We don't have a few days. You need to act, Felix, [cdb]and you need to do it now.
  18. We don't have a few days. That's obvious even to me.
  19. We don't have a few days. That's obvious even to me.
  20. Ngh...
  21. But if we move too rashly, the Imperial forces near [cdb]the fortress will grow wise to our maneuvers.
  22. As though any of that'll matter if the king winds [cdb]up dead.
  23. Losing Arianrhod would be the least of our [cdb]worries then.
  24. We'd be trapped in a massive war of succession, [cdb]and easy pickings for the Empire.
  25. Even at a distance, that man has an uncanny talent [cdb]for giving me headaches.
  26. Very well. Notify all troops stationed at the fortress, [cdb]and round up a team of our most elite soldiers. We're heading north.