1. Oh, you're back. How's it looking over in Fhirdiad?
  2. Oh, you're back. How's it looking over in Fhirdiad?
  3. The reports are true. There's some odd-looking [cdb]weaponry mounted throughout the city.
  4. As far as I can tell, though, the townspeople [cdb]themselves remain unharmed.
  5. I'm pleased to say Lord Rodrigue and Sir Gustave [cdb]have been confirmed safe as well.
  6. That's great! Where are they now?
  7. I expected they would be, but the news is still [cdb]welcome. What's their status now?
  8. After working to free Duke Ifan, they escaped the [cdb]castle alongside some of the captured knights.
  9. Armed with what scant weaponry they could find, [cdb]they've brought the fight down to the city itself.
  10. My old man never ceases to amaze. Shouldn't even be [cdb]a surprise at this point.
  11. I should add, the western lords' armies aren't the only [cdb]forces occupying the capital. There is another, one we [cdb]can't identify at present.
  12. I doubt even the great Lord Rodrigue and Sir Gustave [cdb]will be able to hold out much longer.
  13. Sounds like they're in a bad spot. We should focus on [cdb]keeping them safe, right?
  14. Sounds like they're in a bad spot. We should focus on [cdb]keeping them safe, right?
  15. Don't be too hasty. Why do you think the two of [cdb]them are causing this uproar in the first place?
  16. To create a diversion, I know. But I don't think that [cdb]means we should just abandon them, either.
  17. To create a diversion, I know. But I don't think that [cdb]means we should just abandon them, either.
  18. I agree, Felix. I won't leave my father to die.
  19. Besides, I don't think His Majesty would want us [cdb]saving him if it meant sacrificing two of his most [cdb]loyal retainers.
  20. Fine, we'll help them if we can. That better?
  21. All that said, we won't be able to save the king while [cdb]the townspeople are still in danger.
  22. That said, the boar won't emerge from his hole while [cdb]the enemy is still occupying the city.
  23. Sounds pretty straightforward, then. We move on the [cdb]castle and mop up in town as we go.
  24. Then our answer's clear. We advance on the castle, [cdb]smashing the enemy soldiers in town as we go.
  25. Then our answer's clear. We advance on the castle, [cdb]smashing the enemy soldiers in town as we go.
  26. Annie and I know these streets better than the back [cdb]of our hands. We can guide you!
  27. Dedue must be somewhere in the castle, too.
  28. We have to rescue him before it's too late.
  29. Our plan's settled, then. Everyone, move out!