1. Your Majesty! Where have you gone?!
  2. I knew it was a foolish idea to bring her to battle [cdb]given her condition...
  3. Duke Aegir, my lord! The enemy is advancing from [cdb]the rear, and picking off our units one after the other!
  4. It's only a matter of time until they're at our throats. You must flee!
  5. What does that imbecile of a military minister think [cdb]he's doing?! Tell him to stop them!
  6. If...if we fail to find the emperor soon...
  7. All searches have turned up nothing so far. It's possible she has been taken by the enemy.
  8. But please, you must save yourself at least. We will [cdb]remain here and continue to seek out Her Majesty!
  9. Hmph. Yes, I suppose staying here myself would only [cdb]accomplish my being lost as well.
  10. In that case, I shall withdraw to the monastery. My apologies, but I leave the search to you.
  11. Understood.
  12. Farewell, and thank you.
  13. The last major impediment before us is Count Bergliez, perhaps the most fearsome general in [cdb]all of Fódlan.
  14. And as we've yet to encounter the Ashen Demon, [cdb]it's safe to assume they will be by his side.
  15. So the time's finally come. Steel yourself for the task [cdb]ahead.
  16. Give a rousing speech.
  17. Lighten the mood a bit.
  18. The road to winning this war runs right through this [cdb]battlefield. I don't care who's waiting for us—any [cdb]enemy that stands in our way is getting cut down!
  19. The road to winning this war runs right through this [cdb]battlefield. I don't care who's waiting for us—any [cdb]enemy that stands in our way is getting cut down!
  20. I feel like I can tackle anything after that.
  21. Let's finish this quick, OK? The sooner we win the [cdb]war, the sooner we can all go home and have a nice, [cdb]big victory feast.
  22. Let's finish this quick, OK? The sooner we win the [cdb]war, the sooner we can all go home and have a nice, [cdb]big victory feast.
  23. You're right. Everyone has to make it back safe so we [cdb]can throw the biggest party Faerghus has ever seen!
  24. It's time to move, everyone. I know you won't let the Kingdom down!