1. Claude! What is the meaning of this? Has the Alliance forsaken my father?
  2. Far from it, Lorenz. Just calm down, and we'll talk [cdb]this through.
  3. How am I to remain calm at a time like this?!
  4. The noble House Gloucester has been relinquished to Imperial control!
  5. Considering his position, I'm sure Count Gloucester [cdb]anticipated this possibility and has already laid the [cdb]groundwork to switch sides.
  6. I doubt the Empire will lay a finger on your father.
  7. So you've been thinking Count Gloucester might [cdb]surrender all along?
  8. So you've been thinking Count Gloucester might [cdb]surrender all along?
  9. The count's greatest concern has always been [cdb]keeping the people of his territory from getting [cdb]swept up in the war.
  10. It only stands to reason that he'd prefer a noble [cdb]surrender to a lengthy, bitter resistance.
  11. I expect House Ordelia will follow suit and pledge [cdb]fealty to the Empire.
  12. House Ordelia will probably do the same and swear [cdb]their loyalty to the Empire.
  13. Um, Lorenz? Shouldn't we be returning to the count?
  14. If we go back to House Gloucester, we will no longer [cdb]be able to fight for the Alliance. Is that what [cdb]you desire?
  15. No, of course not. Far from it.
  16. I intend to remain with the Alliance army as well. Assuming that's all right with you, Claude?
  17. I wouldn't have it any other way. This war has only [cdb]just begun, after all.
  18. Since we've lost the bridge, the Imperial army will [cdb]soon descend upon Leicester itself.
  19. We can't allow them to run rampant over our land. It's time to redraw the battle lines!