1. Looks like we made it back in time after all. The fighting hasn't really picked up yet.
  2. I'm sorry about all this. I dragged you on this forced [cdb]march right after our first assault on the Empire, just [cdb]to face a new enemy on a new battlefield.
  3. I always thought Almyra might attack, but I never [cdb]predicted they'd pull together an army this big.
  4. This is exactly why I didn't think we should attack the Empire in the first place.
  5. But, I'll admit that no one could've seen this [cdb]coming. Sometimes you just get unlucky.
  6. I don't think there was any avoiding this...
  7. Well, at least the Imperial army didn't come after us, [cdb]so our troops are still battle ready.
  8. And there's been enough meat in our rations to keep [cdb]me energized and raring to go!
  9. Thanks to the support from Margrave Edmund, [cdb]we have had plenty of provisions. There is no reason [cdb]we should not be able to fight effectively.
  10. That doesn't change the fact that messing up now [cdb]could mean the end of the Alliance. All because of [cdb]my miscalculation.
  11. Come on, we always dump all the tough planning on [cdb]you. We've got nothing but appreciation for the work [cdb]you do, Claude.
  12. Come on, we always dump all the tough planning on [cdb]you. We've got nothing but appreciation for the work [cdb]you do, Claude.
  13. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. What matters is that we made it here in time.
  14. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. What matters is that we made it here in time.
  15. That's what counts, right? Come on, Claude, let's get [cdb]moving.
  16. Sounds like I'm the one who needs to get his head on [cdb]straight. OK! Time to put all that behind us and focus [cdb]on driving back this invasion!