1. Well then, Edelgard? What is this new information [cdb]regarding those who slither in the dark?
  2. And can I assume it is somehow related to her [cdb]inexplicable presence at this meeting?
  3. Hey, Lys. How's it going?
  4. Indeed, Lysithea. For you see, she is the same as us.
  5. Yet another poor soul whose fate has been bent to [cdb]their nefarious will.
  6. It can't be...
  7. Then the rumors about Hapi are true? Her powers [cdb]came from their experiments?
  8. Yep. What, you didn't believe it?
  9. I did not, in fact.
  10. Rather, I assumed it was a lie you told to keep others [cdb]away, or else slander spread by a rival.
  11. A bit overboard for slander, don't you think? But still, I'm actually glad you didn't believe it.
  12. Hmm. So the monsters that appeared at the base [cdb]the other day...
  13. Yeah, that was me sighing about one thing or [cdb]another—but the Bert covered for me.
  14. I had my suspicions, but it's good to hear the truth.
  15. I presume we're ready to move on to the main topic? That is, if you're following all of this.
  16. Shake your head confusedly.
  17. Nod your head vigorously.
  18. Nod your head despite your lack of understanding.
  19. Oh, I have no idea what any of you are talking [cdb]about—but I'm sure I'll pick up whatever I need to [cdb]know along the way.
  20. Oh, I have no idea what any of you are talking [cdb]about—but I'm sure I'll pick up whatever I need to [cdb]know along the way.
  21. Um, my past? All the things that happened to me? I'm sure we talked about this.
  22. Playing dumb, are we? Well, have it your way.
  23. In that case, I'll just move on. If you have any [cdb]questions, Hapi can fill you in later.
  24. Oh, I know all about Hapi's situation.
  25. Oh, I know all about Hapi's situation.
  26. Good. That makes things easier.
  27. Uh, yeah. No, I'm totally following. Yep.
  28. Uh, yeah. No, I'm totally following. Yep.
  29. You have no idea what we're talking about, do you?
  30. All the same, I'll press on. If you're curious, you can [cdb]ask Hapi for details later.
  31. Now then. Hapi's captor was a woman named Cornelia, the Kingdom's former court mage.
  32. Apparently, she is also one of those who slither in [cdb]the dark.
  33. When the Kingdom learned she was planning an [cdb]insurrection, they rallied an army and defeated her.
  34. But is she truly dead? A cunning woman like her [cdb]might've secured a body-double and escaped.
  35. We've no way to confirm for ourselves, and can only [cdb]trust the Kingdom was thorough in this regard.
  36. Anyway, we think we found one of her old hideouts.
  37. Seems like it might be worth checking out.
  38. Based on what we've been able to extrapolate from Hapi's testimony, this base is somewhere in the [cdb]western portion of the Kingdom.
  39. With the war's front having moved further north, [cdb]we're currently well-positioned to investigate.
  40. Oh, so that's why it took you so long to look into this.
  41. You had to wait for the war's tide to shift and grant [cdb]you an opportunity.
  42. And what, I'm just extra muscle in case any baddies [cdb]show up?
  43. And what, I'm just extra muscle in case any baddies [cdb]show up?
  44. Or does this have something to do with my power?
  45. Or does this have something to do with my power?
  46. For now, you are merely serving as additional steel. However, it's possible we might find a connection [cdb]between Hapi's power and your own.
  47. And though it might end up being nothing, I'd very [cdb]much appreciate it if you came along.
  48. Say you'd be happy to go.
  49. Shrug.
  50. Sure thing. I mean, it's my job to protect you anyway. Well, my and Hubert's job.
  51. Sure thing. I mean, it's my job to protect you anyway. Well, my and Hubert's job.
  52. Eh, all right. Probably shouldn't let anything happen [cdb]to you while you're paying me, right?
  53. Eh, all right. Probably shouldn't let anything happen [cdb]to you while you're paying me, right?
  54. Hey, if you're not into this, we're good on our own.
  55. I'm afraid we need our mercenary friend to come [cdb]regardless of their passion for the work. Especially [cdb]since Hubert isn't around to join us.
  56. Say, where is Hubert, anyway? He usually jumps at [cdb]the chance to be involved in this kinda thing.
  57. Say, where is Hubert, anyway? He usually jumps at [cdb]the chance to be involved in this kinda thing.
  58. Hubert has a good deal on his plate already.
  59. Now let's be off. With any luck, this won't take long.
  60. I pray we might finally dispel the darkness that haunts [cdb]us all...