1. What'd you bring the five of us together for, Yuri?
  2. We beatin' someone up? Because I'm always ready [cdb]for that kind of thing.
  3. It is always the same with you, Balthus!
  4. How can you possibly be so uncouth in my presence, [cdb]not to mention our dear frail Hapi here?
  5. Stop thinking with your fists and use your brain!
  6. Who you calling frail, Coco?
  7. It was a figure of speech, dear Hapi. Nothing more.
  8. Ha! We've been topside for a while and you guys [cdb]haven't changed a bit.
  9. You really think I'd call you all here just to lay a [cdb]beating into someone? Haha, we're too busy for that.
  10. I've got a favor to ask of you all. Oh, and you as well, [cdb]if that's all right.
  11. Refuse instantly.
  12. Agree wholeheartedly.
  13. Nope. Sounds like you've got something nefarious [cdb]cooking—plus I'm busy anyway.
  14. Nope. Sounds like you've got something nefarious [cdb]cooking—plus I'm busy anyway.
  15. Come now, do you really think a beautiful man like [cdb]me would be up to something "nefarious"?
  16. The only thing I'm up to is helping people in need. Turns out some old friends are in trouble.
  17. And we're about the only people in the world who [cdb]would ever think to help them.
  18. By old friends, do you mean from Abyss? The ones [cdb]who followed us?
  19. Well, look at the brain on Balthus. Exactly so.
  20. They've been caught up in some kind of struggle, [cdb]and now bandits are after them.
  21. In that case, count me in.
  22. In that case, count me in.
  23. If this is the crew you've gathered, it must be [cdb]important. Count me in.
  24. If this is the crew you've gathered, it must be [cdb]important. Count me in.
  25. That was almost suspiciously easy...but I'm not going [cdb]to look this gift horse in the mouth. Let me fill you in [cdb]on the details in that case.
  26. Some old friends of ours—rogues from Abyss— [cdb]are in trouble.
  27. They've been caught up in some kind of struggle, [cdb]and now bandits are after them.
  28. Considering the circles they run in, we're the only [cdb]people willing to help them, which means it's on us.
  29. Got it. Definitely still in.
  30. Got it. Definitely still in.
  31. You should know better than to take Yuri at [cdb]face value.
  32. No doubt much of what he said is true, but I am [cdb]certain there is another angle to it as well—one which [cdb]benefits himself.
  33. I take care of my own. That's all.
  34. I think the point is that there are folks from Abyss [cdb]who need help, right?
  35. So let's quit bickering and go help already.
  36. Good point. This is no time for anyone to be arguing [cdb]with the Shady Lady here.
  37. How dare you! I am not the one who is constantly [cdb]scheming at one thing or the other!
  38. Yuri-bird? Coco?
  39. Hey, hey! Save some of that fire for the fighting!
  40. Yeah, you can air all your grievances at the bad guys.
  41. Yeah, you can air all your grievances at the bad guys.
  42. Exactly! You're actually smart sometimes, friend.
  43. Claim you're always smart.
  44. Be offended.
  45. Sometimes? I'm always saying smart stuff!
  46. Sometimes? I'm always saying smart stuff!
  47. Huh? Oh, right, right.
  48. Let's go with that.
  49. So you usually think the things I say are dumb?! Hey, wait. Maybe you're right...
  50. So you usually think the things I say are dumb?! Hey, wait. Maybe you're right...
  51. Yeah, but you're funny, so it all evens out.
  52. That doesn't help.
  53. That doesn't help.
  54. Eh, don't worry about it.
  55. Anyway, Yuri. It's time for the thing.
  56. You know, the thing to get us fired up before we roll [cdb]out? You used to do it in Abyss all the time.
  57. Our house doesn't exist anymore. But if it means we [cdb]can finally get going, very well...
  58. Let's do this, Wolves! Oh, and you too, merc.