1. Ahhh, another beautiful day. Perfect weather to get [cdb]a bit of training in.
  2. There you are! I've been looking all over for you!
  3. Hey, Annette. Not used to seeing anyone else up and [cdb]about this early—what's up?
  4. Urgh, this is awful! Just the worst!
  5. Uh... This doesn't have anything to do with me, [cdb]does it?
  6. It absolutely does! You sang my song in front of the [cdb]other mercenaries!
  7. Your...song?
  8. Ohhh, you mean the one about the horse that had a [cdb]human face.
  9. No! I mean, yes! But that's not what it's about [cdb]at all!
  10. Really? I could've sworn the lyrics said something [cdb]about the guy's body being eighty percent horse.
  11. I liked it so much I couldn't stop humming it to [cdb]myself, and then I had to teach it to the other [cdb]mercs when they overheard me.
  12. Which explains why I heard it in all corners of the [cdb]camp. It really caught me off guard.
  13. I haven't sung it for anyone else yet. Only you.
  14. Sorry, should I have kept it to myself? I thought it was [cdb]a great little tune, honest.
  15. I'm glad you liked it that much, but I hadn't even [cdb]finished writing the lyrics yet.
  16. I don't mind my songs getting around once I'm [cdb]happy with how they turned out.
  17. But it's super embarrassing when people hear one [cdb]before I've finished writing it.
  18. Admit she has a point.
  19. Push back.
  20. OK yeah, that's fair. It's no fun when people see or [cdb]hear something when you're not ready to show it off.
  21. I mean, I'm the same way. I can't stand it when other [cdb]people watch me practice my swordwork. Though I [cdb]can't really avoid it if I wanna get any real training in.
  22. Exactly. But my song's out in the wild now, [cdb]and there's no putting that cat back in the box.
  23. C'mon, is it really so bad to show something off while [cdb]it's still in-progress? Everything's gotta start [cdb]somewhere.
  24. And besides, the earlier you let people listen to your [cdb]songs, the sooner you can get their feedback and [cdb]incorporate it.
  25. Maybe, but I still feel weird about it. Either way, [cdb]my song's out in the wild now, and there's no putting [cdb]that cat back in the box.
  26. I guess I'll just have to wait till everyone forgets it.
  27. Hey, uh... I'm really sorry about all this. I could tell [cdb]everyone to pretend like they never heard it, if you [cdb]think that would help.
  28. No, absolutely not! That'll just make them all [cdb]suspicious!
  29. In that case, why don't you just finish the song? Then you can sing the final version for everyone, [cdb]and they'll forget about the old one in no time.
  30. You might not be happy with it right now, but it's [cdb]clearly catchy if all those people are loving it.
  31. Hmm, you have a point there. I guess I just need to [cdb]finish up the lyrics, then.
  32. That's the spirit! Though I do really like the whole "eighty percent horse" part.