1. Hey... You got a minute?
  2. Sure, what do you need? Wait, don't tell me. You're here for some advice from a pro.
  3. Actually, I am. You know how all the top mercenaries [cdb]have some kind of specialty?
  4. Some excel at swordsmanship, some are adept [cdb]in subterfuge, and so on. Even you have your own [cdb]special thing!
  5. That incredible, mysterious power... Anyway, I was [cdb]just thinking that I need something like that too.
  6. Mysterious, huh? But yeah, I guess you're not wrong. As for you, Leonie...
  7. You're great at being thrifty.
  8. You're killer with a bow and arrow.
  9. You're really good at being thrifty and managing [cdb]money. That's a unique skill no other mercenary has.
  10. Come on, are you even taking this seriously? That has [cdb]nothing to do with my work.
  11. Besides, if I made a name for myself because of that, [cdb]people would just think I'm stingy or greedy.
  12. Well then, what about your bow and arrow skills? People already say you're a master.
  13. I thought the bow was your thing? If you wanna make [cdb]a name for yourself, shouldn't it be with that?
  14. I was raised in a hunting village, so yeah, I do know my way around a bow.
  15. But a bow and arrow isn't very helpful in the middle [cdb]of a heated battle, is it?
  16. I figure I'll need to do better than that if I want to [cdb]be a first-rate mercenary.
  17. Hmm... You can use all kinds of weapons, right? And you can even ride horses.
  18. Sure, I know the basics. But it's more of a jack of all [cdb]trades, master of none kinda situation.
  19. That may be the case, but if you look at it from [cdb]another angle, those skills make you a pretty [cdb]powerful mercenary.
  20. What do you mean?
  21. You know the fundamentals for everything. There's nothing you're particularly bad at.
  22. Well, yeah, but I'm just average at all of them.
  23. Even so, a mercenary who can do everything decently [cdb]well would actually be in pretty high demand.
  24. Strategically, your options expand significantly if [cdb]you've got even one person who can react to any [cdb]change in battle.
  25. Meanwhile, mercs with only one specialty are [cdb]practically useless in some situations.
  26. Like how some people don't know what to do if they [cdb]get stuck in a role that doesn't suit them.
  27. Exactly. That's why a versatile mercenary who can [cdb]adapt to anything is a valuable asset.
  28. Hm, but then I'm still just an asset. It doesn't sound [cdb]like that'll earn me a reputation as one of the best.
  29. For that, you just need to keep working hard and [cdb]improving your skills, yeah?
  30. If you're average at everything, then that means you [cdb]have plenty of room to grow.
  31. Yeah, I guess that's true.
  32. Your strength is that you can do anything. So if you [cdb]keep getting better at everything and end up even a [cdb]tiny bit above average...
  33. Then I'd shine brighter than any one-trick pony on [cdb]the battlefield.
  34. And then if you keep showing off all you can do, [cdb]your name will get around, and you'll be one of the [cdb]best in no time!
  35. I see. Thanks! You've really given me a lot to [cdb]think about.
  36. Glad to help. Though, I wouldn't really call myself [cdb]first-rate either. So we'll both have to keep working [cdb]as hard as we can.
  37. Yeah, let's do it! We'll be the best of the best! I bet [cdb]we'll even get our own special nicknames!