1. Yeah. And watch your back out there, OK?
  2. Hear ya loud n' clear, boss! Gahaha! Sure glad I got [cdb]ya in my corner!
  3. Now then, just gotta... Oh.
  4. What're you hiding back there for, Bernadetta?
  5. Eep! I, um! Wh-who was that guy you were just [cdb]talking to?
  6. Who, that? Just a merc buddy of mine, asking if I had [cdb]any jobs for him.
  7. Oh, he was a mercenary? B-but he looked like a [cdb]bandit!
  8. Hey, come on now. You shouldn't assume the guy's [cdb]a common criminal just 'cause he looks rough around [cdb]the edges.
  9. But! But! What about the way he talked?! So scary!
  10. You'd sound like that too if you'd been a merc your [cdb]whole life.
  11. Most of these guys didn't have a mom teaching them [cdb]how to sound nice and proper like I did.
  12. Um... I see.
  13. I guess I don't really know you that well, but... are all your friends like that? Is that too nosy? That's really nosy, huh?
  14. Tease her.
  15. Try to comfort her.
  16. Oh yeah, whole gang's all pretty much the same. Guess that means you're not going into the merc [cdb]business any time soon, huh?
  17. I mean, not all of them. But now that I think about it, [cdb]it's kinda impossible to avoid in that line of work.
  18. Guess that means you won't be signing up for merc [cdb]jobs any time soon, huh?
  19. Obviously not! No no no, no way, not happening!
  20. Even if I wasn't as shy as I am, I'd never be able to [cdb]handle all those scary people at once!
  21. That sounds like your anxiety talking. You'd see [cdb]there's nothing to be afraid of if you just gave them [cdb]a fair shot.
  22. And, hey, isn't basing your opinion of strangers on [cdb]their appearance just gonna make you feel worse?
  23. Well, what else am I supposed to base my opinion on?
  24. Just spend some time with them. If you ask me, [cdb]the best place to judge someone's character is either [cdb]on the battlefield or over the dinner table.
  25. I already told you, I can't! Not me, nope! Please, I need you to understand!
  26. Back off a bit.
  27. Press her.
  28. I get it, Bernadetta. I do.
  29. But let me ask you this: Is his appearance the only [cdb]thing that's making you distrust him?
  30. I really don't get it. Is his appearance the only thing [cdb]that's making you distrust him?
  31. There are plenty of guys out there who look just like [cdb]that but have a heart of solid gold. Nicest folks you'll [cdb]ever meet.
  32. By the same token, there are some real horrible [cdb]people who cover it up with niceties and honeyed [cdb]words. The kind of people who prey on others.
  33. My point is, judging a book by its cover will only get [cdb]you in trouble. Trust me, you can't always tell who's [cdb]good and who's bad from looks alone.
  34. Wha! Why are you trying to scare me?! Nobody's tricking the iron heart of Bernie! Not today, not ever!
  35. Well, um...probably. Maybe! I'll be fine, I swear.