1. Hey, Manuela? Hm... She must be out.
  2. Zzz... Ngh... Zzz...
  3. Did I hear something? Oh wait, is she sleeping in one [cdb]of the patient beds?
  4. Zzz... Oh you... So silly... Zzz...
  5. She's smiling. I wonder what she's dreaming about.
  6. Wait... Don't go... So you're just...gonna leave?
  7. Uh oh. Now she's scowling. Looks like things are [cdb]going downhill fast.
  8. Get back here... You'll regret this...
  9. You hear me?! I'll never forget... Oh!
  10. Morning, Manuela.
  11. Oh my. I don't even remember falling asleep.
  12. I don't suppose I was talking in my sleep, was I?
  13. You said, "Don't go."
  14. You said, "You'll regret this."
  15. Nope. Not a word.
  16. You said something about someone leaving, like, "Don't go!"
  17. Yeah, that's what happened in the dream. I thought I'd found the one. But in the end, he cast me aside.
  18. You said some stuff like, "Get back here!" and "You'll [cdb]regret this!"
  19. Ugh, yes. You see, I was trying to stop my dream man [cdb]from leaving. I had tears streaming down my face and [cdb]everything. But he just left me there. Alone.
  20. Nah, I didn't hear anything.
  21. Really? I have a feeling you're just saying that. It's sweet of you, though.
  22. Actually, I had the most dismal dream that I'd finally [cdb]found my soulmate, only for him to dump me.
  23. Just thinking about it makes me furious! How is it [cdb]that even in my dreams I am hopelessly single— Oh, I, ugh... I need a moment.
  24. Are you OK?
  25. I'm sorry, but...urgh, could I, uh, trouble you for a [cdb]glass of water?
  26. Phew, that is much better. Thank you.
  27. You got it. But, uh, it smells like you've been [cdb]swimming in booze. Are you hungover?
  28. I might be. Is that a problem?
  29. Well, I don't think the infirmary is supposed to look [cdb]like a bear charged through here. That seems like a [cdb]problem to me.
  30. Back off, will you? You're the one who trounced in [cdb]here unannounced and eavesdropped on my private— [cdb]if humiliating—sleep talking.
  31. And now you're attacking me for a tiny hangover and [cdb]a messy room?
  32. Who do you think you are, my mother-in-law?
  33. What? No. But as your friend and comrade, I can't [cdb]not say anything.
  34. I know, you're right. I'm sorry. I tend to fly off the [cdb]handle when I'm embarrassed.
  35. Hey, can I ask you for one teensy favor?
  36. Help with cleanup?
  37. Don't tell anyone?
  38. Lemme guess, you want help getting this place [cdb]cleaned up, right? I suppose I could lend you a hand.
  39. No, no, not that. Would you be a dear and pretend [cdb]like you didn't see any of this?
  40. Ah, gotcha. Don't worry, I won't say a word.
  41. You want me to pretend like none of this ever [cdb]happened, right? Don't worry, I won't tell a soul.
  42. You're a class act. Thank you. I don't want everyone [cdb]to think worse of me than they already do.
  43. I mean honestly, where did it all go wrong?
  44. Did you know I was once a diva with the Mittelfrank Opera Company?
  45. But now, apparently I'm just a "shadow of my former [cdb]self." Can you believe how rude that is? Why would [cdb]you kick a girl when she's down!
  46. What? But...I didn't...
  47. How about this? In lieu of hush money for our little [cdb]secret, perhaps I'll let you hear me sing next time.
  48. I'll show you that this diva's just as dazzling as ever!
  49. Now you have something to look forward to. Anyway, did you need something?
  50. Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm sure I had a reason to come in [cdb]here, but now I don't have the slightest idea what...