Garreg Mach Mountains
link Catherine volume_up
Lady Rhea! Are you hurt?!
link Rhea volume_up
Ah, Catherine. You came.
link Catherine volume_up
Not soon enough—Garreg Mach is done for.
link Rhea volume_up
It is all right. For now, we must retreat.
link Rhea volume_up
This path is unknown to the Empire. It will take us out to Ailell, the Valley of Torment.
link Rhea volume_up
From there, we make for Faerghus to seek aid.
link Seteth volume_up
The Empire attacked from the east, which means at least some of the Alliance's lords must have aligned with them.
link Seteth volume_up
But those of the Kingdom are devout. We can trust them.
link Seteth volume_up
I have already sent a messenger ahead requesting reinforcements and, should the need arise, asylum.
link Catherine volume_up
In that case, I'll talk to my parents and ask for their assistance as well.
link Catherine volume_up
Regardless, we should hurry. We can't let the Empire get ahead of us and send troops onto Kingdom soil.
link Catherine volume_up
Now follow me, if you would.
link Rhea volume_up
Thank you, Catherine.
link Rhea volume_up
Let Edelgard have Garreg Mach for now—let her enjoy this fleeting moment of glee.
link Rhea volume_up
Because when we return here...
link Rhea volume_up
Edelgard von Hresvelg will suffer a death beyond her greatest imagining.