Near Arianrhod (Rowe Territory)
link Shez volume_up
We've been here before.
link Shez volume_up
We've been here before.
link Shez volume_up
But we were in such a rush to rescue Lonato that we never got more than a glimpse of Arianrhod. Can't really appreciate the scale that quick.
link Shez volume_up
But we were in such a rush to rescue Lonato that we never got more than a glimpse of Arianrhod. Can't really appreciate the scale that quick.
link Shez volume_up
And now we're back to bail it out.
link Shez volume_up
And now we're back to bail it out.
link Edelgard volume_up
If only Claude hadn't hatched his futile scheme...
link Edelgard volume_up
We could've avoided all these needless battles and saved countless lives.
link Hubert volume_up
Yet in a more positive light, he handed us the perfect opportunity to show that not even the Alliance and Kingdom together can match the Empire's strength.
link Hubert volume_up
Once we crush the army of Faerghus, our superiority will be clear for all to see.
link Monica volume_up
And will that actually result in fewer casualties going forward? Because that is what would put Her Majesty's heart at ease.
link Hubert volume_up
I will make no guarantees for matters beyond our control.
link Hubert volume_up
So long as fanatics are willing to die for the Central Church, casualties are inevitable.
link Monica volume_up
link Caspar volume_up
We broke the Alliance's siege, and we can break the Kingdom's, too!
link Dorothea volume_up
We're lucky it's a stronghold like Arianrhod that's under siege.
link Dorothea volume_up
It shouldn't be half the nail-biter we had to deal with last time.
link Linhardt volume_up
Yes, but last time, Count Bergliez was in command.
link Linhardt volume_up
For all we know, Count Rowe will break like a twig and surrender the moment he hears the first soldier crest the hill.
link Ferdinand volume_up
As I see it, we have two options.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We can take a direct path for Arianrhod, or we can wait until we scatter the Kingdom troops that are fanned out in the north.
link Ferdinand volume_up
It is a most vexing decision.
link Bernadetta volume_up
As a professional at staying holed up, I think we should secure the perimeter first and get rid of as much danger as we possibly can.
link Petra volume_up
Time is important. We should be striking fast and hard.
link Shez volume_up
We're gonna have to deal with the north after we free Arianrhod anyway, so it makes sense to clear them out now and get it over with.
link Shez volume_up
We're gonna have to deal with the north after we free Arianrhod anyway, so it makes sense to clear them out now and get it over with.
link Shez volume_up
War doesn't wait—we should free the city while we still have the chance.
link Shez volume_up
War doesn't wait—we should free the city while we still have the chance.
link Shez volume_up
We're gonna have to deal with the north after we free Arianrhod anyway, so it makes sense to clear them out now and get it over with.
link Shez volume_up
We're gonna have to deal with the north after we free Arianrhod anyway, so it makes sense to clear them out now and get it over with.
link Shez volume_up
War doesn't wait—we should free the city while we still have the chance.
link Shez volume_up
War doesn't wait—we should free the city while we still have the chance.
link Edelgard volume_up
Let's keep both options open and see how the situation unfolds.
link Edelgard volume_up
General Randolph!
link Randolph volume_up
Yes, Your Majesty?
link Edelgard volume_up
I commend you for holding Arianrhod with what few soldiers you had.
link Randolph volume_up
Thank you, Your Majesty, but I am unworthy of such praise when I failed to prevent the siege.
link Randolph volume_up
Coordination with Count Rowe proved difficult. It was all I could do merely to keep the enemy in check.
link Hubert volume_up
That alone is commendable—a more foolish man would've rushed to glory and gotten himself and his underlings killed in the process.
link Edelgard volume_up
I have a key role for you in the coming rescue, General. I know you are up to the task.
link Randolph volume_up
Of course, Your Majesty.
link Fleche volume_up
My brother and I will give our all!
link Edelgard volume_up
Very good. But do not let your eagerness for victory come at the cost of lives.
link Edelgard volume_up
We have many more battles ahead, and must conduct ourselves accordingly.