link Ferdinand volume_up
Move the injured soldiers to the rear! All those who can fight, reform your ranks!
link Ferdinand volume_up
As soon as we are prepared, we will launch another attack on Derdriu!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Another one? Why don't we just, um...wait for Count Bergliez?
link Ferdinand volume_up
Our enemy is exhausted, while we have plenty of soldiers who are unharmed and able to fight. This is the most opportune time to strike.
link Ladislava volume_up
Lord Ferdinand.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Ah, General Ladislava. We have been waiting for you. Has Count Bergliez arrived?
link Ladislava volume_up
No, he has yet to depart the Empire. There has been some suspicious activity in southern Leicester that has made the minister wary to proceed.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Suspicious activity, you say? Do we have any idea what the Alliance is plotting?
link Ladislava volume_up
Not to my knowledge, sir. As much as it pains me to say it, perhaps we should fall back until we know more.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Hm. And yet here we stand, on the precipice of victory...
link ??? volume_up
General Ladislava! Our scouts have returned!
link Ladislava volume_up
And what do they report?
link ??? volume_up
Gloucester soldiers have launched a surprise attack on the Great Bridge of Myrddin! We've lost control of the bridge!
link ??? volume_up
We anticipate that House Gloucester and Ordelia's forces will soon seize the lands that belonged to House Phlegethon!
link Ferdinand volume_up
link Ladislava volume_up
So, Count Gloucester was deceiving us all along.
link Bernadetta volume_up
What?! We've been tricked? Oh no... No, no, no! We're doomed!
link Ferdinand volume_up
It seems we have blundered right into an Alliance trap.
link Bernadetta volume_up
We have to retreat! Get out of here! Find someplace safe to hide!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Calm yourself, Bernadetta. A leader must project confidence for the good of their soldiers.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We shall begin an orderly march to the Great Bridge of Myrddin at once.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Though the enemy may give chase, stopping is not an option. We must maintain our course for the Empire, and let nothing deter us.
link Ladislava volume_up
Understood. I am with you, wherever you may take us.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I apologize for leading you both into this debacle.
link Ferdinand volume_up
For now, all we can do is pray that any part of our host makes it back to the Empire safely.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Forgive me, Edelgard. I may not be able to keep my promise to you after all.