link Judith volume_up
No movement on the Empire side, huh? All this quiet only makes me more anxious.
link Erwin volume_up
Perhaps what keeps them at bay is the fear of having to face the famed Hero of Daphnel.
link Judith volume_up
Erwin! Do my ears deceive me, or did you just make a joke?
link Erwin volume_up
I do not jest. Your being here is the only thing preventing me from surrendering to the Empire this very instant.
link Judith volume_up
You can drop the traitorous villain act. I know you've done more for the Alliance than anyone else.
link Erwin volume_up
You give me far too much credit. All that has ever mattered to me is ensuring the well-being of the commonfolk in my territory. Not the Alliance itself.
link Judith volume_up
And that's what makes you a great lord in my book. Or rather, it made you one, I suppose.
link Erwin volume_up
Indeed. Now I am but a humble retiree, ready to enjoy my decrepitude. Maybe now people will actually leave me be.
link Judith volume_up
I wouldn't count on that. You'll have plenty of unwanted company if the Empire attacks.
link Erwin volume_up
Oh, I do not think we need concern ourselves over that.
link Erwin volume_up
If the Empire had any intention of continuing their war with the Alliance, they would have struck already.
link Erwin volume_up
I imagine they have reconsidered their plans following that last battle.
link Erwin volume_up
It was foolish of them to start a war on two fronts in the first place, but it would be even greater folly yet to continue after witnessing the might of the Alliance.
link Judith volume_up
Hold on. Are you saying the reason you volunteered to defend the Great Bridge is because you figured it wouldn't be attacked?
link Erwin volume_up
Hm. Now there is a thought...
link Judith volume_up
"Humble retiree," my foot. You're just as shrewd as ever.
link Erwin volume_up
You honor me, Lady Judith.