link Claude volume_up
link Claude volume_up
We won, but... It wasn't supposed to be like this.
link Claude volume_up
Judith is dead, and it's all because of my idiotic scheme.
link Claude volume_up
This is all my fault. If only I hadn't sacrificed Randolph like that...
link Shez volume_up
Enough. You know that's not true.
link Shez volume_up
Enough. You know that's not true.
link Claude volume_up
I'm the one who set these events in motion. I was only trying to limit our casualties, but... Well, look what it got me.
link Claude volume_up
I started a pointless feud that put my friends and allies in danger.
link Claude volume_up
And now it's cost me Judith. Damn it.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, I bear some responsibility for this too.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, I bear some responsibility for this too.
link Shez volume_up
I had the Ashen Demon cornered and couldn't close the deal.
link Shez volume_up
I had the Ashen Demon cornered and couldn't close the deal.
link Shez volume_up
And then Jeralt gave me so much trouble that I wasn't able to reach you in time.
link Shez volume_up
And then Jeralt gave me so much trouble that I wasn't able to reach you in time.
link Shez volume_up
I could've prevented all this if I'd just been a little quicker. A little better.
link Shez volume_up
I could've prevented all this if I'd just been a little quicker. A little better.
link Claude volume_up
What are you talking about? You took out the legendary Blade Breaker himself!
link Claude volume_up
If you hadn't done that, we probably would've lost even more people.
link Shez volume_up
But if I'd been stronger, Judith might still be here with us.
link Shez volume_up
But if I'd been stronger, Judith might still be here with us.
link Claude volume_up
You hold yourself to an impossible standard, you know.
link Shez volume_up
So do you, Claude. You need to quit trying to carry this whole war on your own.
link Shez volume_up
So do you, Claude. You need to quit trying to carry this whole war on your own.
link Shez volume_up
Let me be the one to avenge Judith. I'll cut down the Ashen Demon for you. And for her.
link Shez volume_up
Let me be the one to avenge Judith. I'll cut down the Ashen Demon for you. And for her.
link Arval volume_up
You're more than capable of it, too. You had that monster right in your grasp.
link Arval volume_up
I only wish my premonition hadn't come true.
Somewhere in Siward Territory
link Byleth volume_up
link Byleth volume_up
link Alois volume_up
No! This is all my fault!
link Alois volume_up
I let them walk all over me! I left him unprotected!
link Alois volume_up
I'm sorry, Captain! I'm so sorry!
link Byleth volume_up
It is what it is. Mercenaries live short lives.
link Byleth volume_up
It is what it is. Mercenaries live short lives.
link Sothis volume_up
It did not have to be like this. Had you not scorned my strength, your father would yet live.
link Alois volume_up
The captain was a true titan among men. I...can't believe he's gone.
link Byleth volume_up
link Byleth volume_up
link Sothis volume_up
There is a way to solve this woe. Just grant to me your worldly flesh, and vengeance shall be yours.
link Sothis volume_up
We must now send the whelp that killed your father to an early grave.
link Byleth volume_up
Do you mind taking command for a while, Alois?
link Byleth volume_up
Do you mind taking command for a while, Alois?
link Byleth volume_up
There's something I need to do.
link Byleth volume_up
There's something I need to do.
link Alois volume_up
Well, yes, of course, but surely I can aid you?
link Byleth volume_up
No. This task is mine alone.
link Byleth volume_up
No. This task is mine alone.
link Alois volume_up
Very well. But don't you dare get yourself killed!
link Byleth volume_up
link Byleth volume_up