link Holst volume_up
It would appear the Kingdom forces have withdrawn. I guess that means we've won.
link Hilda volume_up
Woohoo! All right! That was some tough opposition, but we've gotten pretty tough ourselves!
link Lysithea volume_up
Really? Because it still feels like you're barely trying out there, Hilda.
link Hilda volume_up
Do you see how much I'm sweating? I don't think I could try harder even if I wanted to.
link Ignatz volume_up
At this rate, we really will be able to mount an attack on Fhirdiad!
link Raphael volume_up
Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you thought Claude was lying!
link Ignatz volume_up
No, it's just... I guess it's starting to feel real now. You know what I mean, right, Marianne?
link Marianne volume_up
Yes, let's all do our best.
link Shez volume_up
Uh, Claude? You don't seem all that happy about our win.
link Shez volume_up
Uh, Claude? You don't seem all that happy about our win.
link Claude volume_up
Did you see Margrave Gautier's last stand? He sacrificed himself so his allies could escape.
link Claude volume_up
Let me ask you something. What do you think about chivalry and the other knightly virtues?
link Shez volume_up
I don't care for it myself, but it's handy if my enemies do. Makes 'em nice and predictable.
link Shez volume_up
I don't care for it myself, but it's handy if my enemies do. Makes 'em nice and predictable.
link Claude volume_up
Hah, fair enough. I can't say it speaks to me either. All the same...
link Shez volume_up
Don't really have a strong opinion about it either way. It doesn't mesh with mercenary life, y'know?
link Shez volume_up
Don't really have a strong opinion about it either way. It doesn't mesh with mercenary life, y'know?
link Claude volume_up
Hah, fair enough. I can't say it speaks to me either. All the same...
link Shez volume_up
I admire it, actually. But it's not like it has any place in a mercenary group.
link Shez volume_up
I admire it, actually. But it's not like it has any place in a mercenary group.
link Claude volume_up
Really? You certainly hide it well. I can't say it speaks to me, but all the same...
link Claude volume_up
Watching someone as famed and respected as Margrave Gautier die for the sake of others... It was something to behold.
link Claude volume_up
I admire how knights are willing to sacrifice themselves for their friends without any hesitation. I really do.
link Claude volume_up
But it occurred to me that so long as we're fighting the Kingdom, with its long tradition of knighthood, there are going to be a lot more sacrifices.
link Claude volume_up
It reminds me just how important it is that we end this war as quickly as possible.
link Claude volume_up
And once we do, we have to create a world where deaths like these are no longer necessary.
link Lorenz volume_up
As honorable as that sounds, I was not aware that was our objective here.
link Claude volume_up
Oh, we're still doing this to safeguard Leicester's future. And to free ourselves of the church's antiquated customs.
link Claude volume_up
None of that's changed.
link Claude volume_up
But I believe that beyond all this fighting lies a future where lives will no longer have to be sacrificed.
link Claude volume_up
A world where everyone will be free to live however they choose.
link Lysithea volume_up
People being able to live as they please... That certainly does sound amazing.
link Leonie volume_up
It sounds like something worth risking our lives for.
link Ignatz volume_up
If anyone can make it happen, Claude can. No, wait, I take that backā€”all of us can!
link Hilda volume_up
Now that's a future worth believing in!
link Marianne volume_up
I'll believe in it too!
link Holst volume_up
Well then, Your Majesty. Shall we press on?
link Claude volume_up
You bet. Let's go end this war. We won't stop till we reach Fhirdiad!