City Streets (Gloucester Territory)
link Claude volume_up
We've dealt with bandits before, but this is worse than anything I could've imagined.
link Lorenz volume_up
Indeed. The damage done to the larger towns was upsetting enough, but the horrors unleashed upon some of the villages borders on the unspeakable.
link Leonie volume_up
We saw entire fields trampled and destroyed, whole villages burned to their foundations...
link Ignatz volume_up
Attacking innocent civilians like that... It's inhuman!
link Hilda volume_up
How could anyone be so cruel? To torment people like this and then walk away laughing... It's horrible!
link Lysithea volume_up
I'm convinced that those who slither in the dark are behind this, pulling the strings.
link Lysithea volume_up
It makes perfect sense, seeing as they already know Ordelia territory so well.
link Claude volume_up
What do you mean?
link Lysithea volume_up
Many years ago, the Empire accused House Ordelia of participating in the Hrym Rebellion. This was just an excuse to begin meddling in our affairs.
link Lysithea volume_up
During that time, they sent a group of strange mages into Ordelia territory.
link Lysithea volume_up
Everything about them felt wrong, from the way they looked to the powers they possessed. It was clear they weren't regular people.
link Hilda volume_up
Are you saying they were really those who slither in the dark?
link Lysithea volume_up
I believe so, now that I look back on it. Though it's not exactly a memory I care to relive.
link Claude volume_up
And now they've wormed their way into Ordelia and Hrym territories again...
link Claude volume_up
This is just a guess, but their base of operations could be somewhere near here.
link Claude volume_up
Do you remember ever having lived in this area?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, my mom and I spent a few years in a mountain village somewhere in Ordelia territory.
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, my mom and I spent a few years in a mountain village somewhere in Ordelia territory.
link Shez volume_up
But she wasn't born there, and I dunno where she lived before that.
link Shez volume_up
But she wasn't born there, and I don't know where she lived before that.
link Claude volume_up
Hmm... There could be a connection there. Or maybe it's nothing.
link Claude volume_up
Either way, dealing with them needs to be our top priority. We gave them this opening.
link Claude volume_up
They're despicable. But I can't deny we gave them this opening.
link Claude volume_up
They never would've been able to take advantage of us like this if we hadn't been at war.
link Claude volume_up
Just another reason why we have to end this conflict as quickly as possible. We have to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.