Raphael: Truly regrettable.
Jeralt: The count is a beast of a man.
Thales: Have you heard of Acheron?
Miklan: We're being worked like livestock.
Rodrigue: I shouldn't worry, but...
Jeritza: Our classmates...
Tomas: Will I end up like that someday...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I have a mixing of emotions.
Ordelia General: I'm worried about the situation in the Kingdom.
Viscount Enid: Hrym territory is close.
Myson: Things certainly are turbulent.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Ahahaha!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Pssst!
Metodey: I don't know...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm sorry.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Such deception!
???: Time to do some business.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Things look tough.
???: I will obey.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: The Minister of Military Affairs...
???: Are you familiar with House Hrym?
???: I will help him!
???: Ordelia and Goneril territories...
???: I don't wanna fight those people again.
???: I can but wait and see.
???: You OK?
Thales: Great news!
link Ferdinand
Did you hear the news, [HERO_MF]?
link Ferdinand
We now have a research station that provides opportunities for intensive training.
link Ferdinand
Everyone simply must partake of it. Go on, you ought to have a look as well!
Thales: Have you heard of Acheron?
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Edelgard
What occurred was truly regrettable—I should have seen through Count Gloucester's duplicity.
link Edelgard
Or perhaps it is more accurate to say I misjudged the man's ambition.
link Edelgard
He prizes his people above all, and we created a situation where he wanted to fight.
link Edelgard
I will need to reflect on that.
link Hubert
Count Bergliez is a beast of a man, and one with a keen sense for traps.
link Hubert
Yet for him to not smell betrayal?
link Hubert
Well, I have little choice but to praise Count Gloucester's deception.
link Shez
We have to be careful, if so. Nobles don't tend to miss a step, and they don't leave themselves open.
link Shez
We have to be careful, if so. Nobles don't tend to miss a step, and they don't leave themselves open.
link Hubert
Particularly true in the case of those who possess experience and competency in equal measure, such as Count Gloucester.
link Shez
Maybe he was caught off-guard. Or maybe the enemy had some kind of advantage.
link Shez
Maybe he was caught off-guard. Or maybe the enemy had some kind of advantage.
link Hubert
Count Bergliez? Caught off-guard? Impossible. The man understands tactics on an intimate level.
link Hubert
As a warrior, he would never yield to recklessness and make such an error in judgment.
link Ferdinand
Have you heard of a man named Acheron?
link Ferdinand
He is the head of House Phlegethon, who rules over the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
link Ferdinand
At first he pledged loyalty to Adrestia, but no sooner did the man hear about Count Gloucester's actions than did he betray us and surrender the bridge.
link Ferdinand
It takes quite the opportunist to change camps as easily as some change their clothes!
link Linhardt
I understand there's a war on here, but we're all being worked like plow horses.
link Linhardt
Still, I suppose it can't be helped if our allies are in danger of annihilation.
link Linhardt
It would be a terrible waste of effort if we weren't able to assist them—so let us endeavor to ensure we can do so.
link Shez
Sorry, did you just threaten to make an effort? That's a real shock coming from you, Linhardt.
link Shez
Sorry, did you just threaten to make an effort? That's a real shock coming from you, Linhardt.
link Linhardt
I am beginning to wonder about your assessment of my character.
link Shez
Well, if you really want to—
link Shez
Well, if you really want to—
link Linhardt
It wasn't a legitimate question. Also, this conversation is making me quite sleepy. Goodbye.
link Shez
We'll give it everything we've got!
link Shez
We'll give it everything we've got!
link Caspar
I know I don't have to worry about my father. I mean, he's Count Bergliez! He's invincible!
link Caspar
Still, nothing's a guarantee on the battlefield, and I can't shake these thoughts of what might happen...
link Shez
Cheer up, Caspar! We're gonna save him!
link Shez
Cheer up, Caspar! We're gonna save him!
link Caspar
Yeah, you're right—and we'll do it together!
link Shez
By the time we reach him, your father will probably have won this war all by himself.
link Shez
By the time we reach him, your father will probably have won this war all by himself.
link Caspar
Thanks for that. I'll try to think positive!
link Dorothea
Ashe arrived as our enemy, and we took his life...
link Dorothea
We're going to face other classmates, and there's no way to tell how that might end.
link Dorothea
I understand Edie's circumstances, so I don't plan to demand she put a stop to the war...
link Dorothea
But it's always painful to have an acquaintance die. Why couldn't I have been born in a more peaceful time...
link Dorothea
I'm glad we helped Ashe see the error of his ways.
link Dorothea
But things may not always work out like that.
link Dorothea
We're going to face other classmates, and there's no way to tell how that might end.
link Dorothea
I understand Edie's circumstances, so I don't plan to demand she put a stop to the war...
link Dorothea
But it's always painful to have an acquaintance die. Why couldn't I have been born in a more peaceful time...
link Petra
I have a mixing of emotions.
link Petra
Count Bergliez is the man who was attacking Dagda and Brigid.
link Petra
And now this same man is being overrun by the Alliance army.
link Petra
I will never be allowing the man who defeated Brigid to die in this place!
link Shez
You want the pleasure of killing the man yourself? That's quite the grudge you're hanging on to.
link Shez
You want the pleasure of killing the man yourself? That's quite the grudge you're hanging on to.
link Petra
I think my reason is being different. But I am not sure if I am having a grudge.
link Shez
So from Brigid's perspective, he's someone you have a grudge against. Do you want him to live anyway?
link Shez
So from Brigid's perspective, he's someone you have a grudge against. Do you want him to live anyway?
link Petra
Yes, this is my feeling. It would be shameful for him to be perishing here.
link Petra
Doing so would give me much sadness.
link Bernadetta
Am I gonna end up surrounded and killed in enemy territory like Count Bergliez someday?!
link Bernadetta
Am I gonna end up surrounded and killed in enemy territory like Count Bergliez someday?!
link Shez
I wouldn't go carving his tombstone just yet.
link Shez
I wouldn't go carving his tombstone just yet.
link Bernadetta
Sorry, you're right. That's probably bad luck, huh?
link Bernadetta
Sorry, you're right. That's probably bad luck, huh?
link Bernadetta
But I'm still worried!
link Shez
Don't worry—I'll make sure you never get surrounded like that. I've broken through plenty of sieges in my day.
link Shez
Don't worry—I'll make sure you never get surrounded like that. I've broken through plenty of sieges in my day.
link Bernadetta
Really? I'm glad to hear that.
link Bernadetta
Really? I'm glad to hear that.
link Shez
No one knows the future, so we should train hard while we have the chance.
link Shez
No one knows the future, so we should train hard while we have the chance.
link Bernadetta
Yeah, good idea! I'll train hard and get super strong! Er, or a little stronger. Someday. Maybe.
link Bernadetta
Yeah, good idea! I'll train hard and get super strong! Er, or a little stronger. Someday. Maybe.
link Monica
Our army rushed over here to Alliance territory, and I'm worried about the situation in the Kingdom.
link Monica
And yes, we have a reasonable amount of forces left, as well as whatever General Randolph has, but...
link Shez
It'd be bad news if the king attacked us himself. Blaiddyd's troops are famed for their strength.
link Shez
It'd be bad news if the king attacked us himself. Blaiddyd's troops are famed for their strength.
link Monica
And if the king does come, any former Kingdom forces who intercept him may falter.
link Shez
It'd be bad news if the Knights of Seiros attacked us. I mean, we still haven't fought their major players yet.
link Shez
It'd be bad news if the Knights of Seiros attacked us. I mean, we still haven't fought their major players yet.
link Monica
Right? They're the leading army of Fódlan— the best of the best!
link Jeritza
Hrym is close.
link Shez
Hrym... Where have I heard that before?
link Shez
Hrym... Where have I heard that before?
link Jeritza
Not your business. But it has been decided that I am the house's scion.
link Shez
That's right! Hrym is your last name! I nearly forgot all about that.
link Shez
That's right! Hrym is your last name! I nearly forgot all about that.
link Jeritza
There is no need to remember.
link Shez
Wait, so you weren't born to House Hrym?
link Shez
Wait, so you weren't born to House Hrym?
link Jeritza
No. Ask the emperor if you want details.
link Manuela
Fódlan is certainly growing turbulent.
link Manuela
During such times, it's not unusual to see various schemers appear and try to turn the chaos to their own advantage.
link Manuela
There are a number of young generals in this army, so people like myself and Hanneman...
link Manuela
Well, we have to be extra careful.
link Constance
Ahaha! You appear to be quite the excellent mercenary, my friend!
link Constance
Perhaps you'd be willing to help me with my experim— Er, I mean, my battle preparations?
link Constance
Oh, why do I even phrase it like a question when I know you won't refuse me?
link Constance
I'll call upon you later, so do be prepared.
link Constance
Ahaha! You appear to be quite the excellent mercenary, my friend!
link Constance
I see there was no mistake in my asking you to participate in my research!
link Constance
I hope we continue enjoying a fruitful relationship.
link Shez
Uh, do I not get to choose?
link Shez
Uh, do I not get to choose?
link Hapi
Psst! You may be aware of this already, but the Bert can be cruel.
link Shez
You mean Hubert?
link Shez
You mean Hubert?
link Hapi
Yeah—but you know, it's fine. It's a long story.
link Hapi
Plus, I owe him for that business under Garreg Mach.
link Shez
I'm...not following. At all.
link Shez
I'm...not following. At all.
link Hapi
Eh, sorry about that. I just wanted to complain a little.
link Shez
Are you saying this because you want me to complain to Hubert for you?
link Shez
Are you saying this because you want me to complain to Hubert for you?
link Hapi
Nah, I'm fine. I appreciate it though.
link Ashe
Oh, it's you. Listen, I've surrendered, and I'll follow whatever orders I'm given. I'm a full part of the Imperial army now.
link Ashe
Lonato's also in the Imperial army—and above all, I can't choose death.
link Ashe
What am I even fighting for...
link Shez
And what's that mean, exactly?
link Shez
And what's that mean, exactly?
link Ashe
His Majesty ordered me to prioritize my life over my loyalty.
link Ashe
What am I even fighting for...
link Shez
Yep. You only get one life—best take care of it.
link Shez
Yep. You only get one life—best take care of it.
link Ashe
link Ashe
What am I even fighting for...
link Ladislava
My apologies, but a portion of the responsibility for losing the Great Bridge of Myrddin falls to me.
link Ladislava
I was late in noticing that our communication had been cut off from Garreg Mach.
link Ladislava
When we fight to retake the bridge, I will assume the vanguard and see my name cleared.
link Hanneman
We were most artfully deceived by Count Gloucester!
link Hanneman
The count is Lorenz's father, you know?
link Hanneman
And Manuela was in charge of his class, the Golden Deer.
link Hanneman
It is undoubtedly depressing to have to fight one's former student.
link Hanneman
We were most artfully deceived by Count Gloucester!
link Hanneman
The count is Lorenz's father, you know?
link Hanneman
Manuela was in charge of his class, the Golden Deer...
link ???
Things are looking rough, which means it's time for me to do some business.
link ???
But don't worry! I'm not some war profiteer who prioritizes money over what's right.
link ???
Oh, can you say hi to the emperor for me?
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Oh, wait. One thing to report—the situation with the Alliance in the north seems really bad!
link Gatekeeper
I sure hope that gets sorted soon.
link Gatekeeper
And if nothing else, I hope everyone comes home safe.
link Arval
Circumstances dictate how people act. As such, I believe things are about to get much more difficult for you.
link Arval
Though perhaps that will be a welcome change for a mercenary of your caliber.
link Arval
You will undoubtedly face the Ashen Demon again. I do hope you'll emerge victorious this time.
link Viscount Burgundy
I obey the Empire! I have answered their call and sent out a full complement of troops.
link Viscount Burgundy
Leicester cares little for minor nobles, so I would find the Empire's rule more preferable.
link Viscount Burgundy
Further, this provides a good opportunity to teach Count Gloucester a lesson he'll not soon forget!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Speaking of the Minister of Military Affairs, remember how poorly he got along with the Minister of Domestic Affairs?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, Hevring isn't a military house, so he'd never actually turn up on the battlefield.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But he's probably thinking Count Bergliez got his just desserts.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The southern bank of the lower Airmid River is in Hrym territory. Are you familiar with House Hrym?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They once had considerable power as one of the seven great noble families.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
However, they ran afoul of the former emperor, and were in danger of being crushed entirely.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This incited the remaining great noble families to wrest power from the emperor in the Insurrection of the Seven.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I owe Count Leopold my life.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That's why I volunteered to be transferred from Garreg Mach to here.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I will help him! I swear it!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
On the northern bank of the Airmid, downstream of the Great Bridge, lie the territories of Goneril and Ordelia.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Ordelia, who once expressed loyalty to the Empire, followed the dogs of House Gloucester and changed their stance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But House Goneril was ready to fight to the bitter end, and that stance is all the more clear now.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Jeralt's Mercenaries certainly gave us all we could handle in Magdred! The next time I see them will be far too soon, I tell you what.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I can't believe the Kingdom hired them...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Although I suppose it's a relief that they won't show up in our fight against the Alliance, eh?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was thinking of entering Leicester, but I ended up coming back here in a hurry.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I am a priest of the Southern Church, you see, and I hoped to attempt parlay with the Eastern Church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
However, given our current situation, I can but wait to see how things unfold.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Are you all right, Commander? I heard the Great Bridge of Myrddin was taken from us.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The bridge is an important point for merchants, so I hope we regain it sooner rather than later.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That's to say nothing of the threat of being invaded— though I hope we needn't worry about that.
link ???
We're rethinking our strategy. Please wait until we're ready to begin the attack.
link ???
Here we research the latest and greatest tactics ever to grace the field of battle.
link ???
If our findings pique your interest, I would be delighted to assist you. How about it?