link ??? volume_up
Grr, we lost him! Split up and search, boys! Don't let him get away!
link Yuri volume_up
Ugh. They really are a persistent pack of scoundrels.
link Yuri volume_up
link ??? volume_up
Argh! Someone shot me!
link Ashe volume_up
Yuri! Over here!
link Ashe volume_up
I think we're good. They won't chase us this far.
link Ashe volume_up
Looks like I was just in time. Are you hurt?
link Yuri volume_up
So long as my face is fine, the rest of me doesn't matter—that's the real moneymaker, you know. And I appreciate the save, by the way.
link Ashe volume_up
You never change. Anyway, care to tell me why those thugs were after you?
link Yuri volume_up
Oh, just a little disagreement among businessmen. Happens all the time.
link Ashe volume_up
This is exactly why I said you had to find a different way to make money!
link Yuri volume_up
If you're going to lecture me, I'd prefer the arrow you gave my friend back there. Also, if you disagree with my methods, why save me in the first place?
link Yuri volume_up
You could have left me to reap the consequences of my actions and had one less villain in the world.
link Ashe volume_up
I'm not lecturing you because I think you're a villain.
link Ashe volume_up
I've no right to call you evil anyway.
link Ashe volume_up
I just don't want to see you endanger yourself.
link Yuri volume_up
Sometimes the only way to get anything done is by putting yourself in harm's way.
link Yuri volume_up
You should know. Or I suppose you wouldn't, what with your being an upstanding knight and all now.
link Yuri volume_up
You should know. Or I suppose you've forgotten what it's like to wallow in the mud with the rest of us.
link Ashe volume_up
Trust me, I know. I can't forget the past no matter how hard I try.
link Ashe volume_up
But I still think what you're doing is wrong.
link Ashe volume_up
Not only are you hurting other people, you're disregarding your own well-being.
link Yuri volume_up
I chose this life of my own accord, and I take pride in what I do.
link Yuri volume_up
If I get hurt in the process, that's just part of the deal.
link Yuri volume_up
And if I'm caught and the townspeople hurl stones and fruit as I march to my execution, I'll still die with a smile on my face because—
link Ashe volume_up
OK, enough! This is the reason why I can't keep letting you do this!
link Yuri volume_up
link Ashe volume_up
You want to protect the people important to you, right? Well, I want to make sure you don't end up dead and covered in rotting fruit!
link Ashe volume_up
So if you still insist on being a reckless fool, I'm going to protect you anyway!
link Yuri volume_up
Even though it means siding with a filthy villain?
link Ashe volume_up
I'm not about to help you commit crimes— and if it looks like you're going to hurt someone, I'll do everything in my power to stop you.
link Ashe volume_up
I just... I just want to save my friend, OK?
link Yuri volume_up
I truly don't get you sometimes. Also can't believe I'm going to fall for a cornball line like that.
link Ashe volume_up
Did you say something, Yuri?
link Yuri volume_up
Nothing. Forget it.