link Lorenz volume_up
Claude. I am well aware that we Leicester nobles will be cooperating with the Imperial forces moving forward...
link Lorenz volume_up
But House Gloucester has always prided itself on an amicable relationship with the Empire. This changes little for us.
link Claude volume_up
Huh, I guess you're right. Your father did head up the pro-Imperialist faction, after all.
link Lorenz volume_up
Yes, until your wicked schemes severed their ties.
link Claude volume_up
Do you really have to bring that up again? I thought I apologized for that.
link Lorenz volume_up
I am simply stating the truth. If such words ring out as criticism to your ear, perhaps your conscience is the problem.
link Lorenz volume_up
But what I mean to say is, my house already had the foresight to do this previously. Your actions now are mere imitation.
link Claude volume_up
I can see your point. Though the logic is a bit forced.
link Lorenz volume_up
It naturally follows that House Riegan does not deserve to sit upon the Federation's throne.
link Lorenz volume_up
No, the people yet yearn for their rightful rulers: House Gloucester!
link Claude volume_up
I'm pretty sure that's just your ego talking. I don't think people really feel that way.
link Lorenz volume_up
Do not misunderstand. I am not opposed to your being king. For the moment, at least.
link Lorenz volume_up
But your reign was granted by a roundtable conference, not blood. Making you nothing more than an appointed monarch.
link Lorenz volume_up
And a temporary one, if I may. House Riegan does not hold this position by birthright, and it will not stay with you in the future.
link Lorenz volume_up
No. The next to be put forth as king will be... Why, of course it shall be me, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!
link Lorenz volume_up
Some even propose I ascend the throne immediately if you begin to teeter toward ruin.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, you're really letting your ego run wild here.
link Claude volume_up
But I have to admit, the idea of a non-hereditary monarchy does sound interesting.
link Lorenz volume_up
Doesn't it, though? My capacity for such thoughts is proof enough that I am suited to be king.
link Claude volume_up
But I can't stand to think about going back to making that decision via roundtable. It'd be no different from how we used to do things in the Alliance.
link Lorenz volume_up
Oh? Then how will we decide?
link Claude volume_up
How about letting the people of Leicester choose?
link Claude volume_up
Left to their own devices, they'd probably pick whoever they thought would be the best able to protect them. Sounds pretty good, huh?
link Lorenz volume_up
A preposterous suggestion. Is this in earnest?
link Lorenz volume_up
Though, hm. Such a method would prove a great boon for House Gloucester. The commonfolk in our territory have the utmost trust in us, after all.
link Claude volume_up
And for once I think that's fact, not ego, talking. You do realize it would be the whole of Leicester choosing though, right?
link Lorenz volume_up
Not a problem. Our just rule is known far and wide through every mountain and ravine of Fódlan... I think.
link Lorenz volume_up
But let us set that matter aside for now. That is not what I came here to tell you.
link Lorenz volume_up
You should know, the role of king within the Federation is as of yet unstable. Proceed with caution, lest it all come crashing down around you.
link Claude volume_up
You're right. Unlike the Empire to our south and Kingdom to our west, the goddess's guidance didn't grace the founding of our Federation.
link Claude volume_up
So the role of king is a fragile one, held aloft only by the people supporting them. I'll be careful, just as you say.
link Claude volume_up
And...thank you, Lorenz. I think I might just get through this with my wits intact if I have you here next to me.
link Lorenz volume_up
Please do not get the wrong idea. I simply do not wish to see my beautiful home succumb to the foul clutches of despair.
link Claude volume_up
Of course, of course. And I hope you keep coming to me to voice all your complaints. I'll be counting on you, Lorenz.