link Raphael volume_up
That's a tasty-looking roast you've got there, Claude. Where'd you get it?
link Claude volume_up
Oh, hey Raphael. I nabbed it from the base we took over the other day, no big deal.
link Claude volume_up
Plus it's about to go bad, so there's no point in trying to ration it out to the troops. Meaning—
link Raphael volume_up
You're giving it to me! Aw, yes!
link Claude volume_up
Hold on there, big guy. Nobody can eat all of this alone, not even you.
link Claude volume_up
I was actually thinking we could all feast on it together. Want to help me cook it?
link Raphael volume_up
You bet I do! Might mean my stomach goes a little emptier, but feasting with the whole team adds a spice like no other!
link Raphael volume_up
Just leave the rest to me! I'll kick this meat party off in style!
link Claude volume_up
Hey, make sure you take it to the mess hall! Is he even listening to me?
link Claude volume_up
Wow, this looks incredible. Color me impressed, Raphael.
link Raphael volume_up
Well you said it was about to go bad, right? I had to grill it up as quick as I could!
link Claude volume_up
I mean, it wasn't going bad in a matter of minutes, but...this is a huge help. Thanks.
link Claude volume_up
Weird, it felt like that was more than we could ever finish, but just mention food to the crew and it's gone in an instant.
link Raphael volume_up
Too bad, too. I was thinking I could split any leftovers we had with Maya and my grandpa.
link Claude volume_up
Uh, doesn't it take days to get here from where they are? It would definitely have started rotting by then.
link Claude volume_up
Besides, this isn't really the chapter in history you want an old man and a child going out for a stroll.
link Raphael volume_up
Yeah...I guess you're right.
link Claude volume_up
Still, I hope that day comes soon.
link Raphael volume_up
link Claude volume_up
A time when we can invite your grandfather and sister over for banquets whenever we want. A time when it's not so dangerous for them to travel.
link Claude volume_up
Not that any of that'll be possible so long as this war keeps dragging on.
link Raphael volume_up
That's it! Claude, that's it!
link Claude volume_up
Whoa, what's all the yelling for?
link Raphael volume_up
This meal was amazing, yeah, but a little voice in the back of my mind kept saying something was missing! And now I know what it is!
link Raphael volume_up
Once the land's at peace again, we're gonna have to have a huge party, with Maya, and my grandpa, and everyone!
link Raphael volume_up
After all, you can't savor a meal if you've got thoughts of war rolling around in your head.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, I think you're right.
link Claude volume_up
A banquet we can throw in peacetime is far better than one we have to put on hold due to the conflict.
link Claude volume_up
But in order to make that dream a reality, we'll need to create a future where the wild animals share their game instead of fighting over it.
link Raphael volume_up
Game? As in, game meat?! You have more?
link Claude volume_up
Sorry, just a metaphor for the eagles and lions, always at each other's throats.
link Claude volume_up
As for us deer, we're content with leaves. But where should we forage next?