link Bernadetta volume_up
link Hubert volume_up
Ah, Bernadetta. I see the documents I was waiting for have finally arrived.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Augh! H-Hubert! I'm not doing anything bad!
link Hubert volume_up
Then would you be so kind as to hand those over? They are addressed to me, after all.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh, um, right. Edelgard asked me to bring them.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Phew! That was heavy. What are all these documents anyway?
link Hubert volume_up
Old records of bandit activity in this area that I need for my investigation.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Hey, that reminds me! I heard we had a group of bandits cornered but they sort away?
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, a most vexing development. It beggars belief that our troops prove unable to exterminate even these few stray vermin.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Eeeek! Wait, are you angry?
link Hubert volume_up
Oh, I doubt it is worth raising my ire over.
link Bernadetta volume_up
That's good! Um, but you look like you're angry.
link Hubert volume_up
Bernadetta, are you aware of how your persistence often leads to the very outcome you wish to avoid?
link Bernadetta volume_up
Eyagh! I mean, um...yes?
link Hubert volume_up
In any event, my mood is what it is because I must now locate a den of rats.
link Hubert volume_up
I will need to research previous stomping grounds, then cross-reference the location of their old lairs in order to work out where this new one might be.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Wow. That sounds like a ton of work.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, but there is nothing for it—these craven rats will not re-emerge once they've burrowed into their nests.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Hey, neat! I definitely understand the desire to burrow in somewhere and never come out.
link Hubert volume_up
link Bernadetta volume_up
Uh, I mean, but when there are festivals and stuff, they might slip up and leave? Maybe? Possibly?
link Bernadetta volume_up
I mean, everyone loves festivals...except when there are people around...which is usually the case.
link Hubert volume_up
Somehow I suspect you would not emerge for even the most magnificent of carnivals.
link Hubert volume_up
However, you and the rats may differ on that point...
link Bernadetta volume_up
We do what now?
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, of course. Unlike you, these thieves have no particular desire to live away from others.
link Hubert volume_up
We have had them on the run for some time, which means they've not been able to earn coin through their usual underhanded work.
link Hubert volume_up
Thus, if I were to prepare a place where they could cut a few easy purses, they might consider the spoils to be worth the risk.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Um, OK?
link Hubert volume_up
And the bait shall be a festival.
link Hubert volume_up
Due to the war, we have not held a genuine festival for quite some time, after all.
link Hubert volume_up
So even if we do not capture the rodents and it merely brings much-needed succor to the people, I would still consider it a success.
link Hubert volume_up
Well done, Bernadetta. You have come up with a splendid idea that eluded even myself.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Why are you complimenting me out of nowhere? ARE YOU PLOTTING AGAINST ME?!
link Hubert volume_up
Not particularly, no—although I am thinking I will require your assistance in this matter from now on.
link Bernadetta volume_up