link Hubert volume_up
Ah, Hapi. How are you finding your time in the Imperial army?
link Hapi volume_up
Pretty normal, I guess? It's nice to be around a lot of people I don't know.
link Hubert volume_up
Excellent. For if you were dissatisfied, it could lead to an accident. And I would find that most vexing.
link Hapi volume_up
Oh, I have my dissatisfactions. Like the way you're talking to me right now, for starters.
link Hapi volume_up
But if I sighed over every little thing that bothered me, I'd be dead before I took another breath.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, quite true. By the by, have you considered my proposition?
link Hubert volume_up
Though I am loath to discuss it, I am a firm believer in using every resource to its utmost.
link Hapi volume_up
I don't know. It feels pretty unethical, even if it is technically something we can do.
link Hapi volume_up
And did you spare a single thought for how I might feel, being used like that?
link Hubert volume_up
I actually made the proposal based on my estimation of your feelings.
link Hubert volume_up
I imagine you would enjoy sighing for a greater cause, seeing as you are never able to unleash them freely.
link Hapi volume_up
And why exactly would I want to sigh, huh?
link Hubert volume_up
As I am not you, I have no answer to that question.
link Hubert volume_up
I simply thought it might be unpleasant.
link Hubert volume_up
Being the only one prohibited from performing an action others do as a matter of course, that is.
link Hapi volume_up
Right. Well, no. It isn't.
link Hapi volume_up
And if you're really approaching this thing without considering my feelings, you're so far off the mark I don't know what to tell you.
link Hubert volume_up
My. I just thought the woman would enjoy breathing a literal sigh of relief.
link Hubert volume_up
And to do so in a way where our forces make use of the monsters she summons? Where is the harm?
link Hubert volume_up
Alas, I suspect I am in for another mocking at the hands of Her Majesty for how often people mistake me for a heartless cad.
link Hapi volume_up
The Bert? Again? Ugh.
link Hubert volume_up
Hapi. Now that you are calmer, I thought perhaps we might share some tea and treats.
link Hubert volume_up
But if you're not interested, I am content to deal with them myself.
link Hapi volume_up
You really want me to buy into this plan of yours, huh?
link Hapi volume_up
I told you, the answer's no. Now stay away from me.
link Hubert volume_up
I assure you, I have no such ulterior motive here.
link Hapi volume_up
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, well, I can see any further conversation will be fruitless. In that case, I bid you good day.
link Hubert volume_up
Had I known this would all be for me, I would've made coffee instead of tea...
link Hapi volume_up
Huh? What's coffee?
link Hubert volume_up
It does not concern you. Pray forgive my intrusion.
link Hapi volume_up
Yeesh. Just being near that guy makes me wanna sigh.