link Bernadetta volume_up
link Linhardt volume_up
Bernadetta? What are you doing here?
link Linhardt volume_up
Uh oh, looks like I'm interrupting. I'll be going.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Linhaaardt! Listen to meee!
link Linhardt volume_up
link Bernadetta volume_up
Remember the two people we saw out on a date here? Well, the guy died!
link Linhardt volume_up
Sadly, that sort of thing does happen. Another tragic love story for the books, I suppose.
link Bernadetta volume_up
I really believed they'd live happily ever after, and... and I can't take it ending like this! It's so awful!
link Linhardt volume_up
Perhaps so, but this is the result of the Empire choosing war.
link Linhardt volume_up
And although we're now allied with those trying to stop it, there's no less fighting on this side.
link Bernadetta volume_up
But...I thought the power of their love for each other would see them through, safe and sound.
link Linhardt volume_up
You expect too much from love.
link Linhardt volume_up
Yes, there are instances where emotion allows the body to go beyond the bounds of what should be possible...
link Linhardt volume_up
But the effects are quite minor. It's certainly not going to bring the dead back to life.
link Bernadetta volume_up
I know that, Linhardt—I just think it's sad! I mean, don't you think it's sad?
link Linhardt volume_up
If pushed, yes, I would consider that to be sad.
link Bernadetta volume_up
link Linhardt volume_up
I didn't even know the man's name. Also, plenty of our enemies die, so why are we only sad for allies?
link Bernadetta volume_up
Because they're, you know, our allies?
link Linhardt volume_up
I wouldn't want you to die, of course. That would make me quite sad.
link Linhardt volume_up
And the person I wanted to see die least of all is now no longer with us...
link Bernadetta volume_up
And I don't wanna see you die either, Linhardt.
link Bernadetta volume_up
I'd cry even more if you died! Just the thought of it makes me...makes me... Wahhh!
link Linhardt volume_up
Oh dear. Please don't cry over things that haven't happened yet.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh no, that's what I'm doing. I'm so sorry, Linhardt!
link Linhardt volume_up
It's fine. But to that point, let's just make sure you and I both survive this war together.
link Linhardt volume_up
If we can do that, what you said will have come true and I'll happily apologize.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Er, apologize? For what?
link Linhardt volume_up
For disputing the idea that two people's feelings for each other can help them overcome the risk of death.
link Linhardt volume_up
After all, the two of us surviving the war would refute any arguments I've made to the contrary.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh, I get it!
link Bernadetta volume_up
So you and me and the power of our feelings for each other...could... Uh, wait. Our...what now?
link Linhardt volume_up
All of this earnest conversation has me exhausted. Time for some sleep...
link Bernadetta volume_up
Again? No! Don't you dare fall asleep on me now! If you do that, I'm leaving you here!
link Linhardt volume_up
What a rest. Hmm? What's going on there?
link ??? volume_up this really happening? Oh, my prayers have been answered!
link ??? volume_up
When I was about to die, your face floated into my mind—and then a miracle happened!
link ??? volume_up this really happening? Oh, my prayers have been answered!
link ??? volume_up
When I was about to die, your face floated into my mind—and then a miracle happened!
link ??? volume_up this really happening? Oh, my prayers have been answered!
link ??? volume_up
When I was about to die, your face floated into my mind—and then a miracle happened!
link Linhardt volume_up
It seems reports of his death in battle were greatly exaggerated. I'll have to let Bernadetta know.
link Linhardt volume_up
Although given her sensibility, she's as likely to think he's a ghost as she is to be happy about it...