link Constance volume_up
Linhardt! You skipped the war council meeting again!
link Constance volume_up
If you have any pride at all as a noble, it would behoove you to start acting like one!
link Linhardt volume_up
I have pride. Some, at least.
link Linhardt volume_up
But speaking of noble comportment...
link Linhardt volume_up
I seem to remember a certain someone who obeyed the church for a time and opposed the Empire.
link Linhardt volume_up
We've both already betrayed the Empire. Is there any need to be overly focused on details?
link Linhardt volume_up
We've both already betrayed the Empire. Is there any need to be overly focused on details?
link Constance volume_up
Your tongue cuts like a thousand sharpened blades!
link Constance volume_up
Nonetheless, I did what was required for survival.
link Constance volume_up
My dream of regaining my family's status would be forever lost were I to perish—and I cannot permit such a thing to come to pass.
link Constance volume_up
All I do is for the sake of House Nuvelle's revival!
link Linhardt volume_up
That's lovely and all, but—
link Constance volume_up
It is not lovely!
link Linhardt volume_up
As the tale goes, House Nuvelle had passed down the Crest of Macuil for many generations.
link Constance volume_up
Cease your endless yammering and listen to me!
link Linhardt volume_up
So I am forced to wonder why it is that you, a legitimate heir to the family, do not possess said Crest.
link Linhardt volume_up
What's more, in its place you have the Crest of Noa, who was one of the Four Apostles.
link Linhardt volume_up
Has your house stymied and deceived Imperial investigations for generations? And if so, how?
link Constance volume_up
If you aren't going to listen to me, I refuse to even entertain answering that question.
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, I've grown tired of speaking, so we'll have to continue this another time. Good night.
link Constance volume_up
Wait, no! I'll answer you! Just don't treat me like dirt trodden underfoot!
link Linhardt volume_up
Then by all means.
link Linhardt volume_up
Perhaps in the course of your explanation, something of use to House Nuvelle's restoration will crop up.
link Constance volume_up
I would like that very much. Well then...
link Constance volume_up
To be frank, it is said that Saint Noa is an ancestor of House Nuvelle.
link Constance volume_up
The saint feared her Crest—already rare even in her time—could prove a source of utter calamity.
link Constance volume_up
As such, she forged a magic that tricked Crest investigation devices and aided her descendants.
link Linhardt volume_up
Fascinating. And is there anything else regarding Saint Noa?
link Constance volume_up
Your disdain is palpable! Now, does any of that sound of use to restoring my house or not?
link Linhardt volume_up
I cannot say—I must hear the rest first.
link Constance volume_up
You realize it would be bothersome in the extreme if I told you everything and none of it was helpful, yes?
link Constance volume_up
If you wish to hear more, I must have a guarantee it will provide something I can use!
link Constance volume_up
link Linhardt volume_up
What a bother...